Help others by golfing! The Rutherford County School Resource Officers Golf Tournament

Sep 21, 2022 at 01:31 pm by WGNS News

  (RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TN) If you enjoy a good game of golf, then you should consider playing a round to help special needs' school students in our community. Right.... Read More

Turkey Tee Off Scheduled for November 6 at Cedar Crest - 61 Degrees and Sunny

Nov 03, 2021 at 06:00 pm by WGNS

MURFREESBORO, TN — “The weather prediction for Saturday is 61 degrees and sunny for the Turkey Tee Off golf tournament,” announced Child Advocacy C.... Read More

Team Brewer takes 2021 Jimmy Golf League title

Oct 20, 2021 at 09:44 pm by Danny Brewer

    This season, it was a family affair. The father and son team of Danny and Beau Brewer were recently crowned champions of the Monday Jimmy Golf League at Ced.... Read More

Special Kids Fall Golf Classic Teeing Off “Fore the Kids” on October 23rd

Oct 19, 2020 at 12:44 pm by WGNS

Murfreesboro, TN -- Special Kids has invited local golfers and other supporters to take part in the 2020 Special Kids Fall Golf Classic, hosted by Cedar Crest Golf Club (.... Read More