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Rutherford County Seeing Public Safety Growth to Keep Pace with Population

Oct 04, 2023 at 02:07 pm by WGNS News

Photo from RCFR


RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TN – With the September opening of another Public Health and Safety facility, Rutherford County is quickly seeing an all encompassing approach to fire and safety protection... That was Rutherford County Mayor Joe Carr. The Rockvale facility held their flag raising / opening ceremony on August 27, 2023.

Two more Public Health and Safety Buildings are under construction now... And two more - are on the way... The Del Web subdivision mentioned by Carr will include 1,111 homes on a little more than 500-acres.

The Rutherford County Fire Rescue Department is an all-hazards organization that serves the fourth most populated county in the state of Tennessee. It's important to note, all of the new public safety buildings will be home to full-time, highly trained fire fighters with crews working 24 to 48-hour shifts.

Building multiple Public Safety stations throughout Rutherford County plays an integral role in fully serving local citizens. Rutherford County covers 624-square-miles of land, making the county the 7th largest county – land-wise - in the state of Tennessee. Shelby County is the largest county in the state at 763-square miles in size, followed by Wayne County at 734-square-miles.

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