Murfreesboro Christmas Parade 2024

Best in Show "Mayor's Cup": Cub Scout Pack #92
Best Church/School Float: LifeLine Church
Best Scout/Civic/Social Group Float: Isaiah House 117
Best Business Float: White Monkey Estate Sales
Riverdale High School
Best Dance Performers: Dance Academy
Best Antique Vehicle: Chambers Construction & Real Estate
Grand Marshals Head MTSU Lady Raiders Basketball Coach Rick Insell (Blue shirt), Assistant Coach Matt Insell. A great father-son team!
Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland
MTE's--it snowed heavily around this float. MTE's CEO Chris Jones was walking beside the float with Christmas greetings for all.
St. Paul's Episcopal with Tom Collins driving his antique firetruck
Rockvale High School
Oakland High School's girl's group
Vice Mayor Bill Shacklett
Oakland High School band
CUD float (Consolidated Utilities District)
Murfreesboro Medical Clinic
Rockvale High School
Mile Stone Surfaces
King of Glory
Blackman High School band
Ho, ho, ho!
Santa is always the parade's highlight and is at the end of the parade. Well, almost the end.
Out of necessities, the horses are always at the end. They don't mix well with foot traffic. However, they were beautiful!