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SRO Scholarships

Eagleville SRO Kenny Smith presents a $1,000 SRO scholarship check to senior Madysson Tibbs. From left, front row, are Sgt. Tim Hayes, Eagleville High School Principal Tim Pedigo, Madysson’s mother, Christiana Tibbs, the school’s graduation coach, Madyson and Smith; back row, SRO Jason Urban, Lt. Alan Garner, Sgt. John Acton, Capt. Brad Harrison, Sgt. Dustin Cox and Lt. Brian Wright.
Grace Towle, daughter of SRO Andrew Towle, receives a $1,000 scholarship from SRO Division. Flanking her at left are, SRO Jason Urban, Capt. Brad Harrison, Lt. Brian Wright, Sgt. Scott Culp and SRO Towle, and at right, from left, Riverdale SROs Dallen Miller and Anthony Bragg, Lt. Alan Garner, Sgt. John Acton and Sgt. Dustin Cox.