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Propane tank explodes under bridge on Old Salem Road

Fire under the Old Salem Road bridge that crosses Lytle Creek near Mayday Brewery. Photo from MPD. Click photo for more pictures.
This is what the bridge looked like the following morning, Thursday (02/17/22).
Fire photo from the MPD. Click photo for the next picture.
As seen the following morning on Thursday (02/17/22). Click photo for the next picture.
Photo from MPD. Click photo for more pictures.
A picture of Lytle Creek next to the bridge on Thursday morning. Click photo for the next picture.
Photo from MPD, police blocking traffic as fire crews extinguish the blaze. Click photo for the next picture.
Picture captured the morning after the blaze and explosion. Click photo for the next picture.
Exact area on map of where the bridge is located.
There did not appear to be damage to the bridge itself, other than the sides of the bridge being smoke/fire stained. Click photo for the next picture.
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