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A Photographic look at Detroit, Michigan and what it looks like in depth

The Northville Psychiatric Hospital opened in 1952 in the Township of Northville, about 30-minutes from the City of Detroit. The section pictured was torn down in 2019. Photo by Scott Walker in 2016.
The Northville Psychiatric Hospital was built on 453 acres and had 20 buildings that included a movie theater, swimming pool, gymnasium and even a bowling alley in the 1950's. Photo by Scott Walker.
Interior hallway, inside the The Northville Psychiatric Hospital. Photo by Scott Walker.
Taking a look inside the Northville Psychiatric Hospital. Photo by Scott Walker.
Inside the Northville Psychiatric Hospital... In 2020, the city built bike trails on the land and fenced off buildings that were still standing. Photo by Scott Walker.
A look at the stage, which was inside the Northville Psychiatric Hospital. Photo by Scott Walker.
Interior of a deserted home in Detroit. Photo by Scott Walker.
An interior photo of a home located on the outskirts of downtown Detroit. The home was vacant of any life. Photo by Scott Walker.
In 1940, this wall stretched five miles and was 6-feet tall. Sadly, it was the physical barrier between black and white homeowners. It is in the area of 8 Mile Road and is referred to as the Eight Mile Wall or Detroit’s Wailing Wall. Photo by Scott Walker.
It is almost poetic seeing architecturally beautiful 19th century homes falling apart in fields throughout Detroit... almost poetic. Photo by Scott Walker.
Michigan Central Station is in the process of a major renovation, which should be complete by mid 2022. Photo by Scott Walker.
Photo by Scott Walker
This small building was built in 1967 and sits behind a shuttered Detroit Fire Station. Photo by Scott Walker.
The National Theater of Detroit Michigan was the oldest theater in the city. Built in 1911 and closed down in 1975. It was completely torn down a few years ago. This photo was captured just before it was demolished. Photo by Scott Walker.
Inside of the Packard Automotive Plant. Photo by Scott Walker.
East Bethune Street, Detroit. Photo by Scott Walker.
Detroit has more than 10,000 abandoned homes and is labeled as having one of the highest crime rates in America. Photo by Scott Walker.
A deserted home in Detroit, Michigan. Photo by Scott Walker.
The Northville Psychiatric Hospital, photo taken by Scott Walker, previous to some of the structures being torn down.
The Northville Psychiatric Hospital, photo taken by Scott Walker, previous to some of the structures being torn down.