Commentary: During World War II, CBS News correspondent Edward R. Murrow emphasized a tradition among reporters that those unable to file their stories would still be represented by their colleagues. This principle remains relevant, as demonstrated by recent actions taken by Pentagon officials, who informed four major news outlets—The New York Times, NBC, PBS, and Politico—that they will need to vacate their office spaces for new occupants favored by the Trump administration. With today’s media commentary, here is MTSU Journalism Professor Larry Burriss…You can hear more from Dr. Larry Burriss HERE.
About Dr. Burriss - Larry Burriss, professor of journalism, teaches introductory and media law courses. At the graduate level he teaches quantitative research methods and media law. He holds degrees from The Ohio State University (B.A. in broadcast journalism, M.A. in journalism), the University of Oklahoma (M.A. in human relations), Ohio University (Ph.D. in journalism) and Concord Law School (J.D.). He has worked in print and broadcast news and public relations, and has published extensively in both academic and popular publications. He has won first place in the Tennessee Associated Press Radio Contest nine times. Dr. Burriss' publications and presentations include studies of presidential press conferences, NASA photography, radio news, legal issues related to adolescent use of social networking sites, legal research, and Middle Earth.
Dr. Burriss has served as director of the School of Journalism, dean of the College of Mass Communication and president of the MTSU Faculty Senate. He was appointed by Gov. Phil Bredesen to serve on the Tennessee Board of Regents. He was a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force and served on active duty in Mali, Somalia, Bosnia, Central America, Europe and the Pentagon.