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Pay Equity and Another Possible Pay Increase to Make County Government More Market-Competitive

Dec 02, 2024 at 09:21 am by WGNS News

Above (L to R): Co. Mayor Joe Carr and Co. Comm. Craig Harris

RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TN - Rutherford County Mayor Joe Carr would like to see another cost of living pay increase for county employees in the next fiscal year. The goal is to bring county salaries to a level that is competitive with other markets. Carr noted that the county has been working to execute pay increases over the past three years...


If the economy continues to trend positively, Carr stated that he anticipates no issues with approving another pay increase for county government employees...

The county mayor emphasized that all departments are important while discussing the possibility of a specific public safety department pay raise in 2025, rather than prioritizing the needs of one department over another...

In a past interview, County Commissioner Craig Harris told WGNS that he would like to see a one-time pay increase for first responders... Harris said funds earmarked by the county mayor to help pay for a proposed forensics center, could instead be used specifically for public safety salary increases...

Meanwhile, Mayor Carr maintains... WGNS will continue to follow news on salary increases for public safety positions and across the board pay hikes in the county government.



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