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Nearby Watertown Getting More Trains, Trains, Trains

Nov 09, 2024 at 04:15 am by WGNS

This is the turntable at TVRM in Chattanooga. The one in Watertown will be slightly larger, and will handle the steamer that was on display for decades at Nashville's Centennial Park.

Watertown, TN - Not far from Rutherford County in neighboring Wilson County--The City of Watertown has received notice that the US Department of Transportation has approved partial funding for a $2.4 million rail infrastructure project.

Watertown Rail Steering Committee’s John Jewell told WGNS, “It will give us the rail upgrades to attract train excursions with approximately 500 passengers each to attend such popular events as their earlier mile-long yard sales, wine tasting trains, the annual Watertown Jazz Fest, and much more.”


He noted that the initial phase would take an estimated 9-months of construction time, and they hope to break ground this coming spring (2025).

The Watertown Rail Yard project will include the installation of a rail siding and a train turntable with additional storage tracks. It will be constructed on city-owned property adjacent to the Nashville and Eastern Railroad tracks. The Watertown Rail Yard will enhance safety and create additional capacity for rail activity, as well as improve operations for the frequent excursion trains that operate between Nashville and Watertown.

Watertown Mayor Michael Jennings noted, “The railroad is a key part of Watertown’s history and identity, and the economic activity generated by the excursion trains is vital to our downtown business district.”

The US DOT funding is provided through a competitive grant program under the Federal Railroad Administration’s Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Program. Watertown’s grant was one of 122 that were awarded across 41 states and the District of Columbia in the most recent grant competition. Financing of the project includes federal CRISI funding of $1.6 million that will be matched with $800,000 from local governments and one or more private foundations.

Jewell continued, “This will not be a static display of railroad engines and cars. It will include working train tracks that are now in-place between Nashville and Middle Tennessee’s Cumberland Plateau. Watertown will be the hub of the tourist attraction with a railroad depot, large turntable, railroad museum, as well as a building that will house a large display of model railroads.”

This is not a fresh-hatched idea that suddenly blossomed.

According to Jewell, “Train excursions from Nashville to Watertown started approximately 30-years ago.”

It will bring to life memories and history of the Golden Era of Railroads.

Jewell concluded, “I used to get on the train at the old Watertown depot and take the steamer to my grandfather’s home in Gordonsville.”

In addition, the tracks and large railroad turntable will enable Watertown to handle the massive steam locomotive #576 that was on display for decades at Centennial Park in Nashville. That steamer was built in 1942 and carried troops and supplies between Memphis, Nashville and Atlanta during World War II. It was retired in 1952 and placed at Centennial Park. The locomotive was removed from the park in January, 2019 for a complete restoration that continues.

NewsRadio WGNS will continue to follow the progress of the Watertown railroad project, as it will create a venue for both actual working rail equipment as well as a major site for model railroads.  You can also visit

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