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New Murfreesboro Bridge Over Stones River Debuts, Honoring Former Mayor and Shortening Commutes

Oct 22, 2024 at 04:32 pm by WGNS News

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MURFREESBORO, Tenn — A lively atmosphere, complete with music, set the mood for the official unveiling and opening of a new bridge spanning the Stones River... The newly constructed road extension that's now known as Tommy Bragg Drive, connects Beasie Road to River Rock Boulevard, near Old Time Pottery on one side and Lazy Days RV on the other.


The bridge and roadway are named in honor of former Mayor Tommy Bragg, who served the City for 12-years. After the street department unveiled the new road sign to mark the intersection of Beasie Road and Tommy Bragg Drive, the former mayor stood before those in attendance and stated...

Murfreesboro City Councilman Shawn Wright reflected on the importance of the new infrastructure, stating that the addition will hopefully reduce commute times for thousands of residents in the 'Boro....


City Manager Darren Gore shared key details about the bridge... A concrete barrier on either side of the bridge keeps pedestrians and bicycle riders safe from passing motorists. At night, street lights will illuminate the bridge, making it appear to almost be floating above the waterway.

The newly opened Tommy Bragg Drive is expected to become a time-saver for many residents traveling between the Cason Lane area and Riverdale High School. Councilman Wright further stated... The City Manager went over a few benefits of the new bridge and road extension that is now open to traffic...

Again, the ribbon cutting and opening of Tommy Bragg Drive, which includes a brand new bridge over the Stones River, was held on Tuesday, October 22, 2024. City Manager Gore confirmed, “This project represents a significant milestone for our community, enhancing our transportation and connectivity to further foster growth.”

Councilman Wright concluded...

SNAPSHOT: The new bridge connects residents in the River Rock Blvd. and Cason Lane area to destinations on Warrior Drive and Beasie Road with access to SR 99 and the I-24 interchange. It allows motorists to avoid the busy Cason Lane and Old Fort Parkway intersection. As part of the 2040 Major Transportation Plan, a future crossing of I-24 will provide residents with access to downtown by avoiding interchanges and congestion at Old Fort Parkway and New Salem Highway (SR 99), estimated at 10,000 trips per day.

In addition to the traffic improvements, the bridge provides access to the Stones River Greenway for pedestrians and cyclists using the sidewalk and multi-use path on either side of the structure. And again, the bridge and roadway are now open for motorist to start saving a little more time on their journey, wherever that journey may lead them. 



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