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NOW only “right turn” into and out of Asbury Lane

Sep 04, 2024 at 07:45 pm by WGNS

Murfreesboro, TN - If you are on Asbury Lane and turning onto Medical Center Parkway, remember the new traffic patterns are NOW IN PLACE! Motorists are now only allowed to make a “right turn” into and out of Asbury Lane at Medical Center Parkway.

A new, raised median at the intersection of Asbury Lane and Medical Center will require motorists to modify their traffic patterns entering and leaving the Asbury Lane area. “Left turns” at the intersection will no longer be possible.


Under the reconfigured intersection, eastbound traffic into town on Medical Center Parkway seeking to gain access to Asbury Lane will have the option of making a U-turn at Conference Center Blvd. to return westward to a right turn on Asbury Lane for navigation to subdivisions off the roadway.

Motorists utilizing Asbury Lane seeking to travel eastbound on Medical Center will no longer be able to make a left turn due to the newly extended median. The best option for these motorists will be to take Asbury Lane to Asbury Road to gain access to the adjacent subdivision then to Wilkinson Pike or via Old Nashville Highway for their eastward destinations. 

This modification to “right turns” only will be temporary until the future realignment of Asbury Lane to Conference Center Blvd. near the Williamson Farm.

The City is working with Williamson Farm representatives to develop an alignment that extends Asbury Lane along the southern portion of the farm property to a new signalized intersection at Conference Center Blvd. City Engineers are finalizing details of the new design with construction anticipated in 2025. Engineers will eliminate the current Asbury Lane connection to Medical Center Parkway once the proposed extension to connection to Asbury Lane to Conference Center Blvd. is completed.

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