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Murfreesboro to Finalize Termination Agreement with Notes Live During Workshop

Aug 07, 2024 at 11:58 am by WGNS News

Above Top Left: Location of previously proposed concert venue. / Center Photo: Illustration of previously proposed Notes Live.

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — The City Council meets for their regularly scheduled workshop this Thursday (Aug. 8, 2024), where council members will hear the 2nd and final reading of budget amendments for the 2025 fiscal year. City administration will also go over the official termination agreement for Notes Live, a company that planned to build an entertainment center that was going to include an outdoor concert facility.  

This past June, WGNS learned that representatives of the music venue proposed changes to their original agreement with the City that did not sit well with the city council… That was Murfreesboro Council Member Jami Averwater, who highlighted how the group wanted pre-construction approval on a proposed increase to their concert seating capacity - - an increase that equaled about 2-thousand more seats.


Plans as recent as the start of 2024, called for the venue to be built along Medical Center Parkway near Ascension Saint Thomas Rutherford and the Fountains at Gateway.

Under the original agreement signed in 2022, Murfreesboro allocated 20 acres along Medical Center Parkway to Notes Live developers. The agreement called for Notes Live to build an indoor banquet hall, an upscale restaurant, and an outdoor amphitheater. However, the developers now want to remove the banquet hall and restaurant from the plans and instead add 2,000 more seats to their concert facility. In response, Murfreesboro is rescinding their offer of the land. Reports indicate that developers and the City are both in agreement with the termination agreement.

The termination agreement closes by stating both parties agree to publish jointly, the following press release:  “The City of Murfreesboro and Notes Live, Inc. have mutually agreed to discontinue a development project previously planned for 20.13 acres at the southeast corner of Medical Center Pkwy and Gateway Blvd. The project as originally conceived included construction of an amphitheater, restaurant, and indoor music hall at the site. The City sold the undeveloped property to Notes Live subject to reconveyance and other termination provisions if the project was discontinued. The City and Notes Live are proceeding with reconveyance of the property after Notes Live requested but did not receive the City’s approval of certain changes to the scope of the project, including expansion of the amphitheater. The City declined the change request due to potential noise, parking and related issues.”

MEETING: The Murfreesboro City Council Workshop will be held on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 11:30 AM. It will be in the Airport Business Center. The meeting is open to the public. 

Previous News Stories on the Agreement:

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