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Appellate Courts Uphold Rutherford County Convictions in I-24 Police Pursuit

Apr 11, 2024 at 05:57 pm by WGNS News

RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TN - A man who appealed a local courts decision was denied by the Tennessee Appellate Courts in recent months. The case in question had roots in Rutherford County and those roots involved a DUI charge along with the more serious conviction of vehicular assault. Equally important in the original conviction was the fact that the charges were filed after a police pursuit down Interstate 24.


Brandon R. Richardson was convicted by a jury on multiple charges, with the most serious offense being vehicular assault. The charges arose from a driving incident in September of 2019, the same day that Richardson was also charged with evading arrest with the "risk of death." Other charges collected by the suspect 5-years ago include the charges of reckless endangerment and driving under the influence.

All of the charges that Richardson faced stemmed from a high-speed pursuit resulting in a collision on Interstate 24, injuring passengers in another vehicle. During the questioning of potential jurors in the jury selection process, the trial court and counsel explored potential jurors' perspectives on a defendant's decision not to testify. Despite concerns about seating a jury efficiently, the trial court did not prevent further questioning but urged counsel to streamline the process. Richardson contends the trial court hindered him from seating an impartial jury.

In his recent motion for a new trial, the 32-year-old argued that the trial court erred in rejecting his challenge to certain jury members. Despite his appeal, the court didn't see it the same way that Richardson did.

Upon review, the appellate court affirmed the Rutherford County Circuit Court's decision, upholding all of Richardson's convictions. Those convictions came with an effective sentence of 16 years, to be served consecutively to sentences from “Davidson and Williamson counties.” Consecutive sentences mean that the defendant will have to serve sentences back to back. In other words, Richardson has to finish his first sentence before the second one begins. According to State documents, the subjects sentence will not come to a close until year 2042. That release will come just 3-months before his 52nd birthday.


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