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Murfreesboro City Council Greenlights Butler Drive Realignment for Buc-ee’s Convenience Store Project

Dec 07, 2023 at 09:06 pm by WGNS News


MURFREESBORO, TN - In a determining move on Thursday night, the Murfreesboro City Council granted approval for the construction agreement with Moody Excavating, LLC, marking a significant step toward the realignment of Butler Drive. This strategic project, estimated at $7.4 million and funded by the FY21 and FY22 CIP budgets, is poised to pave the way for the much-anticipated Buc-ee's convenience store. Moody Excavating secured the contract with the lowest responsible bid, contributing to the overall $9 million budget that encompasses design, right-of-way acquisition, engineering services, and full-scale construction. The realignment, spanning 0.9 miles, will shift Butler Drive westward, linking it to Joe B. Jackson Parkway approximately 600 feet west of the existing intersection.


The road realignment addresses concerns about the current intersection's proximity to the interchange ramps, aiming to reduce potential traffic issues and streamline access to Joe B. Jackson Parkway. Chris Griffith, Public Infrastructure Executive Director, emphasized that the realignment will allow for the signalization of the intersection, enhancing safety and accessibility. As part of the broader initiative, Elam Rd. is also being reconfigured to accommodate the future Butler Drive intersection with Joe B. Jackson. The ambitious Buc-ee's project, boasting a 76,245-square-foot convenience store and travel center along I-24 and Joe B. Jackson, is already in progress, with an anticipated completion date in early 2025.

MORE IN-DEPTH DETAILS: The Murfreesboro City Council gave approval Thurs., Dec. 7, 2023, for the construction agreement with Moody Excavating, LLC to realign Butler Drive. Moody Excavating submitted the lowest responsible bid with the estimated cost of construction at approximately $7.4 million and funded by FY21 and FY22 CIP budgets.

Total cost of the overall project, including design, right of way acquisition, engineering services and construction of the full project is $9 million.

The project realigns Butler Drive to the west and ties it into Joe B. Jackson Parkway approximately 600 feet west of the current intersection. The 0.9-mile road realignment includes a three-lane, curb and gutter section with a sidewalk on each side. The realignment will minimize the intersection’s impact on the nearby interchange and is a committed project in the City’s 2040 Major Transportation Plan. The City anticipates completing the project in early 2025.

“The realignment relocates the intersection away from the interchange ramps, reducing potential weave problems by motorists and allowing the intersection to be signalized,” said Public Infrastructure Executive Director Chris Griffith. “Once completed, the signalized intersection will provide better access to Joe B. Jackson for motorists and industries.”

As part of the overall project, Elam Rd. is being realigned for the future Butler Drive intersection with Joe B. Jackson. Excavating of the property began this fall to make way for a 76,245 square foot Buc-ee’s convenience store and travel center along Joe B. Jackson and I-24. The Buc-ee’s will feature 120-fueling pumps, electric changing stations, and walking trail. In Tennessee, Buc-ee’s operates travel centers on I-40 in Crossville and Sevierville, Tennessee.

The old Butler Drive will remain in place to access existing properties but will no longer be a public connection to Joe B. Jackson Parkway.

Council also approved Thursday, Dec. 7, 2023, an engineering services agreement for the construction administration services of the Butler Drive project with Kimley Horn and Associates., Inc. The City retains professional services contracts on large construction projects to assist the City with administrative duties association with the construction project. The approved estimate for professional services is $112,000.

Click here to see more photos and a map of the Buc-ee’s project

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