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Murfreesboro Fire Rescue Aims to Invest in Key Life Saving Devices

Nov 08, 2023 at 09:59 am by WGNS News


MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — The Murfreesboro City Council will meet in a Regular Workshop meeting at 11:30 a.m., this Thursday (Nov. 9, 2023), at the Municipal Airport Business Center to discuss issues with staff (Community Room, 1930 Memorial Blvd.).


One of the topics to be covered includes the purchase of several key life saving devices for Murfreesboro Fire & Rescue. The fire department is requesting the go-ahead to use funds for a LUCUS device, which provides consistent chest compression's to patients who go into cardiac arrest. The life saving device continuously provides the compression's as fire crews load the patient onto a gurney and into an ambulance. In some instances, the LUCUS device has been used during extreme rescues that did not allow for emergency crews to continuously administer chest compression's.

To highlight the LUCUS, two men in Italy were on a mountainside when they had to be rescued by helicopter. During the rescue one of two men, triggered by hypothermia went into cardiac arrest. In that rescue, it would have been impossible for rescuers to administer chest compression's as the victim was on a stretcher and being pulled into a hovering helicopter. Reports later showed the rescued victim who went into hypothermia received 4-hours and 20-minutes of chest compression's with the LUCUS device, which saved the man's life (scroll down for video).

Murfreesboro Fire & Rescue is asking the council to give them the green-light on the purchase of two LUCUS devices, at a cost of $45-thousand. Nearly $40-thousand of that expense is being funded by money from the American Rescue Plan Act and the remaining amount would be paid for by the fire department's budget.

The fire department is also asking permission to buy AEDs, which would be funded by money from the American Rescue Plan Act. The cost of one cardiac monitor and five AEDs would be about $48-thousand.

Who: The Murfreesboro City Council and City Staff
What: The Council will gather to discuss issues with Staff, including

Action Items

  • FY24 Community Investment Program Budget (Administration)

  • FY24 City Budget (Administration)

    • First Reading: Ordinance 23-0-34 

  • Community Investment Program Funds Reallocations (Administration) 

  • Retail Liquor Certificate of Compliance—New Day Hope—Ownership Change (Finance)

  • Purchase of Cardiac Monitor and AEDS (Fire Rescue)

  • Purchase of Two LUCAS Devices (Fire Rescue)

  • Planning Commission Recommendations (Planning)

Workshop Items

  • CIP Transfers (Finance)

  • Veterans Park Concept Plan Update (Parks)

  • Community Development Sub Recipients Presentation (Community Development)

  • September 2023 Dashboard (Administration)  

When: Thursday, Nov. 9, 2023 - 11:30 a.m.
Where: Murfreesboro Municipal Airport
Business Center Community Room  
Murfreesboro, TN 37129    

According to the City, individuals wishing to speak at a public meeting on “actionable items” must sign up at least six hours prior to the meeting start time by submitting your request online at or by calling 615-849-2629.

The full agenda is viewable on the City website at:



Sections: News