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Election Year: Some Local Candidates Must File By Dec. 14

Nov 04, 2023 at 04:46 pm by WGNS

(MURFRESBORO) 2024 is going to be a busy election year. Not only will it include the U.S. presidential race, but several important local races as well. Just like registering to vote has a deadline, so does registering to be a candidate. In fact, there are several Dec. 14, 2023 deadlines for local candidates to file in order to even be considered. 

Rutherford County elected positions that must be filed for by noon on Dec. 14, 2023 include: 

  • Highway Superintendent
  • Property Assessor
  • Rutherford County School Board Zones 2,3,5,6

City of Murfreesboro elected positions that must be filed for by noon on Dec. 14, 2023 include: 

  • Murfreesboro School Board

You can pickup a petition to qualify now at the Rutherford County Election Commission Office at One Public Square (southside). 

Election Administrator Alan Farley stressed that the nominating petition must be signed by at least twenty-five (25) voters who are registered in the candidate's district. Each voter who signs the petitions must also supply his or her residence address as it appears on his or her voter registration record. No ditto marks or post office box addresses can be accepted. Each voter must sign his or her own name. Printed signatures are unacceptable.

Again, several of the Rutherford County as well as Murfreesboro positions that the public will vote in 2024, have a petition filing deadline of noon on Thursday, Dec. 14, 2023. 

Check the procedures out yourself. Visit the Rutherford County Election Commission, or phone them at (615) 898-7743.

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