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Mike Classen Talks With RECYCLE RUTHERFORD Monday Night

Oct 19, 2023 at 06:14 pm by WGNS

(MURFREESBORO) If you are concerned about our environment, you need to attend Recycle Rutherford's ANNUAL FALL MEETING at 7:00PM this coming Monday evening (10/23/2023) at The Heritage Center, 225 W. College Street. The speaker is Middle Point Landfill's General Manager Mike Classen.

Suma Clark said, "You will be among the first to hear what environmentally important programs Republic Services hopes to add to Middle Point Landfill’s operation. The program is a continuation of a series presented to the community in the past few months, but additional information will be included." The speaker is Middle Point Landfill's General Manager Mike Classen.


explains, “Most notably to Recycle Rutherford membership, the presentation will for the first time publicly unveil Republic’s proposal to bring modern recycling, diversion, and green energy facilities to Rutherford County.”

There will be time allotted for questions and answers; thus, Rutherford County residents can have their questions answered in an open dialogue forum and can provide feedback.

Classen hopes specifically that Recycle Rutherford members can explore where the organization’s goals align with those of Republic’s as well as determine what a potential future looks like with these programs in place at Middle Point.

The presentation will provide a behind-the-scenes look at Middle Point’s operations and its role in the community’s approach to managing waste. Attendees can expect a presentation with visuals that will cover various topics of local interest, including an overview of day-to-day operations at Middle Point, the financial benefit Rutherford County residents receive as the host county of Middle Point, and the long-term vision for the facility.

Those in attendance will have the opportunity to learn more about the life expectancy of Middle Point and what they should expect and be prepared for if the facility were to close once it reaches projected capacity in five-and-a-half years.

Classen is the general manager of Middle Point Landfill in Murfreesboro, a post he has held since March 2021. In this role, Classen has full responsibility for all operational, environmental, engineering, and financial functions of the Middle Tennessee business, while also acting as the primary liaison for all public, government, and community relations.

Meeting is TONIGHT, 10/23/2023 at The Heritage Center, 225 W. College Street at 7PM.

If you have questions, contact Suma Clark at 615-948-3727 or email her at

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