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Civil War Reenactors & Music 11AM & 2PM Saturday-Sunday

Oct 12, 2023 at 10:01 pm by WGNS

(MURFREESBORO)  Music has always been a vital and meaningful part of the Battle at Stones River. There was an eery feeling as the sun began to set on December 30, 1862. Some 83,000 opposing troops were so close they could hear and see other, many had no clue what the war was all about, and sadly--many of these young men were from the same families but on different sides. 

Reenactors will be at the Stones River Battlefield for two presentations this coming Saturday (10/14/2023). 


On that horribly cold winter night 161-years ago, the soldiers on both sides were homesick. One band started to play a favorite song of that era, and when it finished--the other side's musicians would begin. It was a melancholy concert that moved toward death. The silence of a funeral pall suddenly covered the field as one band started to play. Suddenly the other side's band joined and without hesitation a tearful chorus from the men on both sides singing, "Home! Home! Sweet, sweet home!
There’s no place like home, there’s no place like home.”

Plan on coming out to the National Battlefield on Saturday, October 14, 2023 for a day filled with cannons and music. The battlefield is expecting possibly six big guns for demonstrations on both Saturday and Sunday.
In addition, the Friends of the Stones River National Battlefield is sponsoring the Home Sweet Home band with two performances on Saturday at 11AM and 2PM.
There are two entrances to the Stones River National Battlefield: one is at 3501 Old Nashville Highway and the other is at 1563 N. Thompson Lane, across from New Vision Baptist Church. 
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