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Ram's Fearless Fall Traffic Forecast

Oct 07, 2023 at 09:07 am by Bart

(MURFREESBORO) Fall is here and the temps are more refreshing while leaves start to fall. Murfreesboro Transportation's Deputy Director Ram Balachandran say, "That a mood changer for construction crews." Data from work sites gives an accurate lists of places where 'Boro motorists might consider avoiding between today and Oct. 7, 2023.

City Construction Projects            


Beasie Rd Extension (River Rock Blvd just north of Racquet Club Dr)

Expected Lane Closures:   Monday Through Friday:  Riverrock Blvd will be reduced to one-lane flagging operation at Beasie Rd for waterline installation work.  Road and bridge construction work over Stones River Greenway continues.  The greenway trail will be closed around the existing Beasie Rd area until further notice due to bridge construction work over the greenway trail.  There will be no through trail access between the Old Fort Park and Cason Trailhead.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place. 


Elam Rd Re-Alignment Project (Joe B Jackson Pkwy just east of I-24 Interchange)

Expected No Road Closures:   Monday through Friday:  Contractor for a private development will be doing new road construction work along Elam Rd and Joe B Jackson Pkwy.  There will be no street closures.  There will be minor traffic interruptions from construction vehicles entering and exiting along Elam Rd and Joe B Jackson Pkwy.  Appropriate traffic controls and will be in place.


Ramp Improvement, Lighting and Signalization Project (I-840 and Veterans Pkwy Interchange)

Expected Lane Closures:   Monday through Friday:  Contractor for TDOT will be making ramp improvements, installing streetlights and traffic signals at I-840 and Veterans Pkwy.  There will be traffic interruptions and intermittent lane closures from construction activities.  Appropriate traffic controls and will be in place.


Signalization Project (Veterans Pkwy at Westlawn Blvd)

Expected Lane Closures:   Monday through Friday:  Contractor for a private development will be installing a traffic signal at Veterans Pkwy and Westlawn Blvd.  There will be minor traffic interruptions and intermittent lane closures from construction activities.  Appropriate traffic controls and will be in place.


NW Broad St Turn Lane Improvements and Paving Work (between Overall Creek Bridge and Singer Rd )

Expected Lane Closures:  Saturday, September 30, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm:  Contractor for a private development will be paving along NW Broad St between Overall Creek Bridge and Singer Rd.  Northbound and Southbound traffic on NW Broad St will be reduced from two lanes to one lane.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.


Gas Line Survey and Potholing Work (Butler Dr half-mile north of Joe B Jackson)

Expected Lane Closures:   Wednesday, 8:00 am - Noon:  Survey Crews will be locating/potholing gas line along Butler Dr half mile north of Joe B Jackson Pkwy.  Traffic on Butler Dr will be reduced to one-lane flagging operation in the work area.  Appropriate traffic controls and will be in place.


Turn Lane Improvement Work (SE Broad St at Kensington Dr)

Expected Lane Closures:   Monday and Tuesday:  Contractor for a private development will be paving along SE Broad St at Kensington Dr.  There will be lane shifts and traffic interruptions.  Appropriate traffic controls and will be in place.

Annual City Street Paving

Expected Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM:  City contractor will be performing construction work at the following streets:

  1. Burton St between Spring St and Church St (storm drain installation work)
  2. Middle Tennessee Blvd between MLK and S E Broad St (milling and temporary pavement marking work)
  3. Medical Center Pkwy EB between I-24 and Thompson Ln (roadway improvements)
  4. Middle Tennessee Blvd between MLK Blvd and SE Broad St (milling and temporary striping work)

Expect lane shifts and traffic interruptions.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

TDOT Resurfacing Projects 


Survey- Median Jersey Barrier Catch Basins

  • 10/8, 5 a.m. – 8 a.m., There will be lane closure and rolling road blocks on I-24 to reinstall Lane Control Gantry 1 at MM 54. Rolling road blocks will extend on I-440 and I-40 as well.



The resurfacing of I-840 from the West Fork Stones River Bridge to near Exit 61

  • Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures on I-840 for pavement markings.
  • 9/29 at 8 p.m. continuously until 10/2 at 5 a.m., The exit ramp from I-840 EB to Sulphur Springs (Exit 57) will be closed for concrete ramp repairs. A signed detour will be in place



The resurfacing on S.R. 10 from the Bedford County line (L.M. 0.00) to S.R. 269 East. (L.M. 4.29)

  • Nightly, 8 p.m. – 4 a.m., There will be temporary lane closures for installation of epoxy overlay at bridge over Dry Fork Creek.



The resurfacing on SR-96 from Carol Drive (L.M. 6.45) to near I-24 (L.M. 9.5)

  • Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures on SR-96 for pavement markings.

The resurfacing on SR-96 from Compton Road (16.73) to Cainsville Pike (20.50)

  • Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be flagging operations for resurfacing activites.



The grading, drainage, construction of retaining walls, signals and paving on SR-99 (New Salem Hwy) from near I-24 to SR-96 (Old Fort Pkwy)

  • 9/28, 6 a.m. – 6 p.m., Industrial Blvd will be closed for grading operations. A signed detour will be in place.
  • Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures on Middle TN Blvd for waterline installation.



The grading, drainage, construction of two concrete bulb tee beam bridges, signals, and paving on SR-266 (Jefferson Pike) from SR-102 (LM 5.0) to E. of I-840 (LM 9).

  • Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be periodic flagging operations for construction activities.

The removal of Portland Cement Concrete and repaving on SR-266 at the intersection of Weakley Lane and SR-102

  • 9/29 at 8 p.m. continuously until 10/2 at 5 a.m., There will be lane closures in both directions to shift traffic to replace concrete pavement with asphalt.  One lane in each direction will remain open.    

(Source: TDOT)

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