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Possible Removal or Relocation of Bridge in the Old Stone Fort State Park

Sep 12, 2023 at 09:02 pm by WGNS News

Photo by Scott Walker

MANCHESTER, TN - A nearby bridge in Coffee County, which has been the site of prom photos, wedding pictures and more, could be deconstructed.


At the September 12th Coffee County Commission Meeting, a resolution regarding the Old Stone Fort State Park pedestrian bridge was passed unanimously. The passing came from all Commissioners in attendance. Resolution 2023-19 was co-sponsored by Commissioners Hunt and Deford.

Commissioner Hunt made an impassioned plea to the Commission before the vote. He said, when referencing the removal of the bridge, “It would probably be the most ecologically invasive action taken in this County in several years.”

The resolution will be forwarded to the State of Tennessee for the purpose of communicating the thoughts of Coffee County citizens who want to keep the green bridge (the Prat Truss Bridge) in Old Stone Fort State Park. Those residents want to see the bridge remain intact and in it’s current location over the Duck River.

Meanwhile, the state looks to be suggesting the need to remove the bridge from its current location.

According to partner station WMSR in Manchester, the state's website outlines plans to move the truss from the bridge to another location within Old Stone Fort State Park. The site also highlights the bridges' eligibility to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Read more from the State of Tennessee HERE.

Last week’s Manchester City Board of Mayor and Alderman voted on a similar resolution that did not pass.



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