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Annual Walk 4 Water in Smyrna September 24th

Sep 06, 2023 at 12:26 pm by WGNS News

Hear our entire 27-minute interview below...

SMYRNA, TN - Aaron Tremblay, a minister in Rutherford County, described what residents in third world countries, use for their source of water – the same water used by livestock, by residents to bathe and wash their laundry in… The stories like this one are the stories that make Tremblay want to hold their second annual Walk4Water in Smyrna.

Last year, over $60,000 was raised during the walk in Smyrna, TN. That was enough money to build enough clean water wells to supply 8-villages, or impact the lives of over 7,800 residents in far away counties.


This year's Walk4Water will start at 3PM at 112 Division Street in Smyrna on Sunday, September 24, 2023. You can learn more by visiting Hear the entire interview above or listen to our condensed 15-minute interview below here...

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