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Mayor Shane McFarland focuses on Murfreesboro issues

Aug 09, 2023 at 09:15 am by WGNS News

Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland on WGNS

This morning on the WGNS Action Line, host Bart Walker talked to Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland.

  • The mayor comments on TDAT's "Order of Consent" against Republic Services for not covering the landfill properly.
  • Discussion of Middle Point Landfill
  • Listener asked about the One East College, LLC development (old Methodist Church) and why there is no work happening?
  • The Murfreesboro City Council just completed a "Community Decency Standards Act". The mayor shares some background on why the document was created, and what the council hopes to accomplish.
  • Listener asked about improvements scheduled for Cannonsburgh and property along Hickerson Drive and Front Street (Cannonsburgh).  
  • A listener asked about raises to city employees, especially emergency responders. Will there be cost of living wage increases for retired city employees?