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Rob Mitchell Announces Nearly $500K Returned to Rutherford General Fund

Jul 21, 2023 at 10:44 am by WGNS News

A quiet country setting of a home in Rutherford County, TN

MURFREESBORO, TN  Under the leadership of Rob Mitchell, the Property Assessor of Rutherford County, and the unwavering dedication of his hardworking staff, the county has experienced a remarkable achievement in fiscal responsibility. The Property Assessors Office is proud to announce that they have successfully returned $499,679 this year to the county general fund, further solidifying their commitment to prudent financial management.
Through their diligent efforts and meticulous attention to detail, the Property Assessors Office has cumulatively saved, including this year’s savings, an astounding $4,681,580 since 2012 which directly benefits the residents of Rutherford County. These savings are a testament to the team's unwavering commitment to optimizing resources and maximizing the value of taxpayer dollars.
Rob Mitchell stated, “Returning nearly half a million dollars to the county general fund demonstrates our tireless commitment to serving the residents of Rutherford County. By saving your tax dollars now it means we can prevent raising your taxes in the future.”
Since becoming the Rutherford County Property Assessor in 2012, Rob Mitchell's leadership and innovative strategies have played a pivotal role in achieving these significant savings. By embracing efficient practices and leveraging technology, Mitchell has revolutionized the operations of the Property Assessors Office, resulting in streamlined processes and enhanced productivity. His visionary approach has empowered his team to identify cost-saving opportunities and implement strategic measures to maximize efficiency. Innovations such as:
• Smart Rutherford, a citizen engagement tool which not only provides assessment information but connects citizens to local government services via Alexa, Google Assistant, and a web-based chat bot.
• Just Appraised, a software that interfaced with the Register of Deeds office and which reduces clerical errors and seamlessly imports deed transfers into our mass appraisal software.
• Replacing old fleet vehicles with fuel efficient hybrid vehicles and creatively using grant money to buy them.

"I am immensely proud of our hard-working staff at the Property Assessors Office. They really care for this community which is why their commitment to fiscal responsibility benefits the taxpayers," said Rob Mitchell. 
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