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Murfreesboro Council Approves Master Planning and Design Services for Blackman Park

Jul 20, 2023 at 07:44 pm by WGNS News

MURFREESBORO, TN - The Murfreesboro City Council voted Thursday, July 20, 2023, to approve the Master Plan Task Order services for planning and designing Blackman Park. The City will develop the park on land along Veterans Parkway near I-840.


“We are excited to begin planning and design work on recreational land on the City’s west side,” said Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland. “The land the City exchanged from MTE is perfectly positioned for a new community park that will include parkland, green space, walking trails, and recreational amenities.” 

Nashville-based Gresham Smith was selected to conduct park master planning and design services after the City issued a Request for Competitive Sealed Proposals (RFCSP).

In January, the City of Murfreesboro finalized a “property swap” with Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) for land along Veterans Parkway that includes a proposed park in the western portion of Murfreesboro. City Council had voted June 23, 2022, to approve an exchange of property with Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE) for land that will include a 95-acre park and other public and community uses.

“The land along Veterans Parkway offers land well positioned within western Murfreesboro near residential neighborhoods.” said City Manager Craig Tindall. “Murfreesboro continues to be recognized for its parks and greenways and the Blackman Park project will further this tradition.”   

“A total of $8 million has been established for park elements at Blackman Park,” said Assistant City Manager Sam Huddleston, “Funding for the planning and design phase of Blackman Park will be appropriated from proceeds of the sale of the Murfreesboro Electric Department and 2019 CIP.”

City Council approved rezoning the property to Park (P), Commercial Fringe (CF), and CH with GDO-1 to support the proposed park, public, and community uses envisioned for the property.

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