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Ram's Summer Road Reprt

Jun 24, 2023 at 07:14 am by WGNS

(MURFREESBORO) The first week of summer has lived up to its name--hot and humid. Murfreesboro Transportation Department's Deputy Director Ram Balachandran warns that heat, especially when traveling through construction zones, creates frustration and a potential for road rage. Here are Ram's areas to be aware of today through July 1, 2023.

City Construction Projects

Oakland Court Development (Lokey Ave and Academy St)


Expected Minor Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday:  Site construction work continues.  Minimal traffic interruptions.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

Brinkley Rd Improvement Project (between Blaze Dr and Timber Creek Dr)

Expected No Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday:  Incidental construction work continues.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place

Beasie Rd Extension (River Rock Blvd just north of Racquet Club Dr)

Expected Lane Closures:   Monday Through Friday:  City contractor has begun the Beasie Rd construction and bridge work over Stones River Greenway.  The greenway trail will be closed around the existing Beasie Rd area Tuesday through Friday.  There will be no through trail access between the Old Fort Park and  Cason Trailhead.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place. 

Sulphur Springs Rd Utility Installation Work (between Breckenridge Dr and St John St)

Expected Road Closures:   Monday  through Friday:  Contractor for a private development will be installing utility lines across Sulphur Springs Rd.  Sulphur Springs will be closed and traffic will be detoured onto St. John St and Breckenridge Dr.  Local residents on Sulphur Springs Rd on either side of the closure will have access at all times.  Appropriate traffic controls and will be in place.

Atmos Energy Gas Line Installation Work (SE Broad St at Academy St)

Expected Lane Closures:   Monday through Thursday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm:  Atmos Energy crews will be boring and installing gas line at SE Broad St and Academy St.  There will be lane restrictions on Academy St at SE Broad St.  There will be no lane closures on SE Broad St.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

Annual City Street Paving

Expected Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM:  City contractor will be performing construction work at the following streets:

  1. Medical Center Pkwy and GreshamPark Dr (traffic signal and paving improvements)
  2. Adjacent to 2300 block of Haven Dr (storm drain installation)
  3. Old Fort Pkwy between I-24 EB off-ramp and John Rice Blvd (shoulder improvements)
  4. Jones Blvd between Lynn St and W Clark Blvd (sidewalk installation work)
  5. NW Broad St just north of W Main St (milling and pavement marking work)

Expect lane shifts and traffic interruptions.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

TDOT Resurfacing Projects

(Source: TDOT)


The installation of Smartway Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) on I-24 from I-440 to US-231

  • 8 P.M. – 5 A.M., There will be alternating lane closures EB and WB for guardrail installation.


The resurfacing on I-24 from E of Epps Mill Road through Bedford County to the Coffee County Line.

  • Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures EB and WB for milling and paving activities (MM 90-97)


The resurfacing of I-840 from West Fork Stones River Bridge to near SR-266

  • Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures on I-840 for milling and paving operations. One lane will remain open at all times.


The grading, drainage, construction of retaining walls, signals and paving on SR-99 (New Salem Hwy) from near I-24 to SR-96 (Old Fort Pkwy)

  • Continuous, Bridge Avenue will be closed for utility relocation. A signed detour will be in place.
  • 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be nighttime flagging operations for open cut installation of utility casing.


The resurfacing on SR-96 from Carol Drive (L.M. 6.45) to near I-24 (L.M. 9.5)

  • 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures on SR-96 for milling operations.


The grading, drainage, construction of two concrete bulb tee beam bridges, signals, and paving on SR-266 (Jefferson Pike) from SR-102 (LM 5.0) to E. of I-840 (LM 9).

  • Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be periodic flagging operations for construction activities.                                                                                              


Pothole patching via milling and paving

  • Daily, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be a lane closure of Lane 2 on I-840 WB near the Wilson County line for milling and paving operations. Lane 1 will remain open at all times. (MM 64-65)
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