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Ram's MEMORIAL DAY Week Road Forecast

May 27, 2023 at 08:27 am by WGNS

(MURFREESBORO) It's the Memorial Day weekend, and you couldn't ask for better weather, plus--no constructin problems through Monday night. Murfreesboro Transportation's Deputy Director Ram Balachandran does inform you of potential challenge points starting Tuesday (5/30/2023). In fact, Assistant City Manager Sam Huddleston will be on WGNS from 8:10-9:00AM this Tuesday morning to answer your questions about growth and traffic in the 'Boro. 

City Construction Projects 

Oakland Court Development (Lokey Ave and Academy St)


Expected Minor Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday:  Site construction work continues.  Minimal traffic interruptions.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.


Brinkley Rd Improvement Project (between Blaze Dr and Timber Creek Dr)

Expected Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday:  Incidental construction work continues.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place


Sewer Installation Work (Minerva Dr between Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd and Diana St)

Expected Road Closures:   Monday through Friday:  Contractor for a private development will be installing sewer lines and manholes on Minerva Dr between Dr Martin Luther King Jr Blvd and Diana St.  Traffic to and from Minerva Dr will be detoured onto Apollo Dr and S Baird Ln.  Appropriate traffic controls and detour signs will be in place.


TDOT Project Boring Core Pavement Samples ( N Thompson Lane between Greenway Trailhead and Royal Dr)

Expected Lane Closures:   Tuesday & Wednesday, 8:30 am - 3:00 pm:  Contractor for TDOT will be drilling core samples along the Thompson Ln between the Greenway Trailhead and Royal Dr.  Traffic will be reduced to one-lane flagging operation.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

Annual City Street Paving

Expected Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM:  City contractor will be performing construction work at the following streets:

  1. Medical Center Pkwy and GreshamPark Dr (traffic signal and paving improvements)
  2. Adjacent to 2300 block of Haven Dr (storm drain installation)
  3. Old Fort Pkwy between I-24 EB off-ramp and John Rice Blvd (shoulder improvements)

Expect lane shifts and traffic interruptions.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

TDOT Resurfacing Projects

NOTE: All work listed below excludes the holiday weekend restriction. Construction crews will stop all lane closure activity beginning at noon on Friday, May 26, through 6:00 a.m. on Tuesday, May 30th.


The resurfacing on I-24 from E of Epps Mill Road through Bedford County to the Coffee County Line.

  • Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures EB and WB for milling and paving activities. (MM 90-97)



The resurfacing of I-840 from West Fork Stones River Bridge to near SR-266

  • Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures on I-840 for milling and paving operations. One lane will remain open at all times.



The grading, drainage, construction of retaining walls, signals and paving on SR-99 (New Salem Hwy) from near I-24 to SR-96 (Old Fort Pkwy)

  • Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be periodic flagging operations for construction activities.  The east side of Bridge Ave at New Salem Hwy will be closed Thursday, June 1 & Friday, June 2 for sewer line installation work.  Appropriate detours will be in-place.



The grading, drainage, construction of two concrete bulb tee beam bridges, signals, and paving on SR-266 (Jefferson Pike) from SR-102 (LM 5.0) to E. of I-840 (LM 9).

  • Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be periodic flagging operations for construction activities.                                                                                              



Milling and paving

  • 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be a partial closure of the EB off ramp to Almaville Road (Exit 70) for milling and paving operations.

(Source: TDOT)

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