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Mayors Prayer Breakfast

May 04, 2023 at 10:21 am by WGNS

Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland

(MURFREESBORO) The 20th Annual Mayors Prayer Breakfast was held Thursday morning 5/4/2023) at The Experience Community on the Old Salem Road. 

Greenhouse Ministries' Co-Founder Cliff Sharp told WGNS News . . .


And while individuals were praying for all of Rutherford County, about a mile away--individuals were reading the Holy Bible aloud at Greenhouse Ministries on S. Academy Street. Sharp noted . . .

Sharp was referring to Thursday being the National Day of Prayer.

Cliff opened the program by sharing how Tommy Bragg started the Mayors Prayer Breakfast to lift-up the leaders of Rutherford County and its municipalities and ask for divine guidance. That tradition has continued for two-decades. At Thursday's event Rutherford County Mayor Joe Carr, along with Murfreesboro's Shane McFarland, Smyrna's Mary Esther Reed, La Vergne's Jason Cole and Eagleville's Chad Leeman were present. 

The Oakland High School Junior ROTC presented the Colors, and our National Anthem was sung by Annie Robertson. 

  • The first prayer was lifted up for the mayors by Hunter McFarlin. 
  • Dr. Robert Dray prayed for the medical community. 
  • Drew Sanford prayed for area businesses.
  • Pastor Steve Willis prayed for the churches. 
  • Greg Lyles asked for blessing to help educators. 
  • The Experience Community's Mohammed Shaban prayed for families. 
  • Lynne Davis lifed-up our government. 
  • Media and entertainment was prayed for by Bart Walker. 
  • Our military and first responders were in the prayers of Murfreesboro Police Lt. Gary Carter. 
  • Susan Carter prayed for Unity in the Body of Christ.

The Mayor's Prayer Breakfast ended with everyone singing Amazing Grace. Annie Robertson led the singing while Matthew Donnell accompanied on guitar. 

The program ended with comments from Murfreesboro Mayor Shane McFarland and a closing prayer. 

For more information about Greenhouse Ministries, visit their website

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