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UPDATE: WGNS Spoke to the CEO of Murfreesboro Medical Clinic to Learn More About the Criminal Cyber-Attack that Led to MMC Shutting Down for Several Days

May 04, 2023 at 06:45 pm by WGNS News

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MURFREESBORO, TENN. – Murfreesboro Medical Clinic has announced an update regarding their services after their computer systems were criminally hacked. On Thursday afternoon, MMC released that staff will be calling all scheduled patients with important information regarding their visit. They also announced that MMC Pediatrics and Internal and Family Walk-In Clinics at Garrison Drive will be open from 8 AM to 4:30 PM for sick visits.

As for surgeries at the SurgiCenter, those will remain canceled at this time. This also means that all Gastroenterology procedures, Laboratory or Radiology Services are also on hold at this time. MMC Now Family Walk-In Clinics will also remain closed for the time being.


Joey Peay, CEO of MMC told us... Right now, all MMC locations remain CLOSED. The debilitating attack started on April 22, 2023 and was described as a “sophisticated criminal cyberattack.” Peay confirmed that investigators are familiar with the attackers..Murfreesboro Medical Clinic (MMC) reported that in response to the cyber attack, they rapidly initiated an emergency shut down of their network to limit the spread of the attack within their systems and their technology partners.


As for personal information and credit or debit cards used by patients, the CEO told WGNS... He said their first priority was to contain the incident and protect patients and employees. In the meantime, MMC continues to work with law enforcement agencies and third-party experts while also working to re-secure their computer system and network.

Joey Peay has been with Murfreesboro Medical Clinic for 25-years and says he takes this cyber-attack personal... MMC is currently in the process of restoring their systems safely with enhanced security features and controls. While that process is being undertaken, MMC remains closed and hopes to open on a limited basis as soon as possible.

More and more cases of cyber attacks are more so cyber thefts... Peay would not elaborate on their case because it is an active and ongoing investigation for authorities, but suggested the suspects appear to have aimed at holding MMC data for ransom. Peay went on to say...

MMC Information Technology experts and outside companies are working diligently to get their computer system and network securely fixed so that walk-in patients can be seen before the end of the week. Peay said that he appreciates the support and patience of the community...

For over 70 years, MMC has been dedicated to caring for the community.  MMC has faced countless challenges over the years including natural disasters, a world-wide pandemic, and now, a highly sophisticated cyberattack.  WGNS will continue to follow this story and make updates as soon as more details are available.

Hear the full newscast above this story. 

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