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Rutherford County Steering Committee "Does Not Take NO From General Assembly"

Mar 24, 2023 at 09:34 pm by WGNS

(MURFREESBORO) Rutherford County commissioners and County Mayor Joe Carr certainly did not quietly accept the General Assembly's voting down HB 1206 earlier that day, and when the steering committee met (3/22/2023) a new proposal was passed unanimously. 

Instead of a development tax of $1,500, the vote was to place it at $5,000. 


County Mayor Joe Carr stated . . .

Carr stressed, "The two groups against it are Homebuilders and the Realtors Association."

Tennessee 113th General Assembly records show that HB 1206 failed by a vote of 3 YES votes (1 Democrat, 2 Republicans) and 5 NO votes (3 Republican, 1 Democrat, 2 independent). One of those against it was Tim Rudd (R) from the Rutherford County delegation.  

The motion created by the Steering Committee (3/22/23) then passed unanimously. 

Rutherford County Attorney Nick Christiensen explained what needed to happen: 

  1. The Steering Committee would pass the motion (it passed unanimously on 3/22/23)
  2. It needed to pass on the County Commission level by two-thirds vote.
  3. Goes to Nashville for the General Assembly to pass.
  4. Then it must be on the next local election referendum. If approved by the voters, you can then start levying the $5,000 Adequate Facilities Tax immediately on new developments. 

Since the action of the March 22, 2023 Steering Committee could have a major impact on this county's future, a recording of the meeting is LISTED BELOW. Listen at your convenience. 

Public Has Opportunity To Talk One-On-One With Elected Officials

County Mayor Joe Carr will be on WGNS this coming Wednesday morning (3/29/2023) from 8:10-9:00AM. 

Members of the Rutherford County Delegation to the 113th General Assembly will be on to interact with constituents on Friday morning (3/31/2023) from 8:10-9:00AM. 

You can either talk on the broadcast or text a question, both at 615-893-1450.