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Local Author Sonya McCllough Lockridge for a Book Signing on March 26

Mar 03, 2023 at 04:23 pm by WGNS News

Linebaugh Public Library is pleased to host local author Sonya McCllough Lockridge for a book signing on Sunday, March 26, from 2:00 to 5:30 p.m. The author will be signing and selling copies of her book, To Love a White Man: The Reality of Roots.

In her book, Lockridge explains the long-awaited answer to America's historical problem with racism based on the teaching of Jesus Christ. To love your enemy is to love a white man. Jesus taught that to be forgiven; one must forgive. This quick read addresses these ideas through biblical teachings and the one life of the African American female writer born in the year 1963.


Sonya McCllough Lockridge, aka sonyamacdesigns, is a wife and former single-mom creative who loves the Holy Word of God and lives to snap pictures of folks, family, friends, the Tennessee countryside, and her beautiful grandson!

The author will have copies of her book to sign and sell at no cost.

Linebaugh Public Library is located at 105 W. Vine St. in Murfreesboro. Smyrna Public Library is located at 400 Enon Springs Rd. West in Smyrna. Eagleville Bicentennial Public Library is located at 317 Hwy 99E in Eagleville. MGL Library is located inside Patterson Park Community Center at 521 Mercury Blvd. in Murfreesboro. The Technology Engagement Center is located at 306 Minerva Drive in Murfreesboro. The Historical Research Center (HRC) is located at 435 Rice Street in Murfreesboro. Explore, Imagine, Engage through RCLS. For more information, call 615-893-4131 or visit






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