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AEDC Fellows Committee Now Accepting Nominations

Feb 02, 2023 at 12:09 pm by WGNS

The Arnold Community Council (ACC) AEDC Fellows Committee is now accepting nominations for the 2023 Fellows Program with submissions due no later than March 31, 2023.

Established in 1989, the AEDC Fellows program recognizes Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) personnel who have made substantial and exceptionally distinguished contributions to the nation’s aerospace capabilities. AEDC includes all ground test facilities at Arnold AFB and all AEDC remote operating locations.


Since the inception of the Fellows program, more than 100 individuals (Technical Fellows, Craft Fellows, Lifetime Achievement Fellows and Honorary Fellows) have been inducted as AEDC Fellows.

AEDC Technical Fellow nominations may be submitted by any present or former AEDC government or operating contractor/subcontractor employee. All current or retired military, civilian and operating contractor and subcontractor personnel assigned or previously assigned to AEDC can be considered candidates for selection as an AEDC Technical Fellow. Candidates qualified for consideration as an AEDC Fellow must personally have made exceptional sustained, notable and valuable contributions to the nation’s aerospace capabilities while engaged in aerospace ground testing at AEDC.

AEDC Craft Fellow nominations may also be submitted in the same manner as the AEDC Fellow nominations. All current or retired military, civilian and operating contractor/subcontractor personnel assigned, or previously assigned, to AEDC can be considered candidates for selection as an AEDC Craft Fellow. The Craft Fellow category recognizes exceptional craftsmen who possess the ability to identify customer requirements and respond with sustained technical innovations, working effectively and efficiently as part of technical teams and have dedicated their careers to the success of AEDC’s mission. They must have personally made notable and valuable lifetime contributions to the nation’s aerospace capabilities in any area relevant to the AEDC mission.

AEDC Lifetime Achievement Fellow nominations may be submitted by any present or former AEDC government or operating contractor/subcontractor employee. AEDC Lifetime Achievement Fellows are reserved for exceptional candidates and are not necessarily selected each year. All current or retired military, civilian and operating contractor/ subcontractor personnel assigned or previously assigned to AEDC can be considered candidates for selection as an AEDC Lifetime Achievement Fellow.

Candidates qualified for consideration as an AEDC Lifetime Achievement Fellow must personally have made notable and valuable lifetime contributions to the nation’s aerospace capabilities in any area relevant to the AEDC mission.

Only AEDC Fellows may submit a nomination for an AEDC Honorary Fellow. AEDC Honorary Fellows are reserved for exceptional candidates. Candidates qualified for consideration as an AEDC Honorary Fellow must have made sustained, notable, valuable and significant contributions to AEDC. These eminent individuals need not have worked at Arnold AFB or any of AEDC’s remote operating locations.

AEDC Fellows in each category are not necessarily selected each year.

Newly selected AEDC Fellows are honored annually during a banquet on or about June 25, the birthday of 5-star General of the Air Force Henry “Hap” Arnold for whom AEDC is named and the anniversary of the dedication of AEDC by President Harry S Truman in 1951. The location and date of the 2023 banquet will be announced at a later date.

For more information including the format for AEDC Fellows nomination submissions, contact AEDC Fellow retired Major General Mike Wiedemer at (931) 308-1923 or Information and AEDC Fellows nomination forms can also be downloaded from the ACC Web site at

Nominations must be submitted in written form with supporting materials to: Arnold Community Council, P O Box 553, Tullahoma TN 37388-0553.

SOURCE: Partner WMSR Thunder Radio

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