(Rutherford County, TN) On Wednesday's Action Line with host Scott Walker, he was joined by Rutherford County School Resource Officers Sam Trubee and Sgt. Dustin Cox. Some of the discussion focused on school traffic in the morning and afternoon, students using cellphones to communicate threats and to bully other students and more.
They also covered the important topic of an upcoming event to raise money to take a number of students shopping for school clothes. The students that are picked to go on a school clothes shopping trip are hand selected with the help of school guidance counselors who know firsthand how some families are struggling to make ends meet.
Clothing Shopping Trip for Less Fortunate Students in Rutherford County: If you would like to help the SRO division take students shopping for school clothing, you can call SRO Sam Trubee for more details. To call OR text SRO Trubee, dial 615-203-4862. Any checks that are donated should be made out to the “RCSCAAA,” which is the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Citizens Academy Alumni Association). In the Memo Line, write either “School Clothing Drive” or the “Cornhole Tournament,” which is an upcoming fundraiser to specifically raise money for the clothing / shopping trip.
Listen to the entire WGNS Podcast of the interview above this article.