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Continued: Multiple Officers Terminated from LaVergne Police Department

Jan 09, 2023 at 03:50 pm by WGNS News

(LaVergne, TN) - UPDATED: WGNS is continuing to follow news out of LaVergne about the termination of multiple officers. Some of the details that were investigated, prior to officers being terminated included sexual activity while on duty, sexual harassment, workplace violence, and intimidation focused on the intent of interfering with the investigation.  

WGNS’ Ron Jordan reported…


Evidently, the investigation into a female officer having multiple sexual encounters with several male officers within the La Vergne Police Department began after Mayor Jason Cole received a tip about Officer Maegan Hall and her role in the allegations. Officer Hall was sworn in as an officer at the LaVergne Police Department in August of 2021.

According to documents from the City of LaVergne, the Director of Human Resources fully investigated multiple accusations of Hall having sexual in nature relations with other patrol officers, a detective and two sergeants. A report from human resources suggested the sexual encounters occurred in La Vergne and in Murfreesboro.

LaVergne Mayor Jason Cole said... "This situation is unacceptable and as soon as it was brought to our attention it was immediately investigated and action was taken upon the individuals involved. Our top priority moving forward will include rebuilding the public’s trust. I have full confidence in the police department’s leadership team and their ability to lead the department. We will be retraining all of our employees in the rules, regulations, and expectations set forth by city leadership."

The terminated officers included: Patrol Officer Maegan Hall, Patrol Officer Juan Lugo‐Perez, Sergeant Henry Ty McGowan, Sergeant Lewis Powell and Detective Seneca Shields. The suspended officers included: Patrol /K‐9 Officer Larry Holladay, Patrol Officer Patrick Magliocco, and Patrol Officer Gavin Schoeberl.

LaVergne Police Chief Burrel “Chip” Davis stated... "This is a difficult situation for our department and for the city, but I want to be clear that the actions of a few do not represent this department as a whole. This situation is being addressed internally with our staff, we are bringing in counselors to help our officers work through these circumstances, and we will continue to provide the most professional protection as possible for this community. We have sufficient staff to cover all of our patrol shifts and I have full confidence in our officer’s ability to protect and serve. We are working diligently to rebuild the trust of our citizens and our community. We understand this will take time and diligence from our command staff and officers to repair the honor and integrity of our department."


The investigation showed (some of the following – See full report):

  • Allegations substantiated by Human Resources of “Sexual Activity” while on duty against Shields, who confirmed he met with Hall at the police gym where Hall allegedly performed a sexual act on him while on duty.
  • Allegation substantiated by Human Resources of “Sexual Activity” while on duty against Hall and Powell. Both reportedly confirmed that they met at the Police Substation and a sexual act was performed while actively on‐
  • Allegation substantiated by Human Resources of “Sexual Harassment” against Hall, Schoeberl, Lugo, Holladay, Shields, and McGowan.
  • Allegation substantiated by Human Resources of “Workplace Violence” against McGowan. McGowan reportedly admitted to coming into the HR office and placing his hands on the neck of a human resource worker. McGowan claims it was playful.
  • Human Resources substantiated the allegation of Intimidation with intent to interfere with Investigation against McGowan, Powell, and Hall.

The investigation began in December of 2022 and according to reports signed by the Human resources department, ended on January 4, 2023.


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