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Public Infrastructure Road Projects highlighted on City interactive webpage

Jan 09, 2023 at 11:06 am by WGNS News

MURFREESBORO, Tenn. — As heard in a past WGNS newscast, the City of Murfreesboro is moving forward with plans to build a bridge over I-24 to extend Rutherford Boulevard to Warrior Drive and a bridge over the Stones River to connect Beasie Road to River Rock Boulevard. The plans are part of the 2040 Major Transportation Plan. Shortly after WGNS reported the road extensions, the city introduced a new interactive online map of Public Infrastructure Projects. 

The site, created by the City of Murfreesboro Engineering Department illustrates how tax dollars are at work improving roadways across Murfreesboro. Citizens can access the informative and interactive Google Earth page via the City’s website at The Public Infrastructure Projects map is also accessible on the City homepage in Quick Links at the bottom of the page.


The City map highlights two dozen major projects that pinpoint the location of the project with an interactive slide detailing the roadway, project description, status, and estimated construction dates. The specific project also includes maps and photos.

As the City grows in every direction, City engineers and construction companies are working to enhance traffic flow. The projects widen sections of roadway, add turn lanes to enhance traffic flow, resurface major corridors, upgrade traffic signal systems, and realign roadways to make enhanced connections.

A 6-minute YouTube video highlighting State, Local and Federally funded Road Projects (ABOVE)
is available at

For questions about road improvement projects, the public is encouraged to contact Public Infrastructure Executive Director Chris Griffith at or by calling (615) 893-6441.


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