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Gas Prices to Start This Week, Monday, January 9, 2023

Jan 09, 2023 at 06:20 am by WGNS News

Rutherford County, TN - Average gasoline prices in Tennessee have risen 10.9 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $2.97/g today (Monday), according to GasBuddy's survey of 3,821 stations in Tennessee. Prices in Tennessee are 11.7 cents per gallon higher than a month ago and stand 3.5 cents per gallon lower than a year ago.

(Rutherford County Area) In Rutherford County, gas prices are averaging $2.91 right now, which for the first time in weeks is not one of the lowest prices in the state. In our immediate area, Wilson County has the cheapest price for fuel, averaging $2.85 per gallon for regular unleaded. Nearby Nashville is recording an average price of $2.93 per gallon. Williamson County remains one of the highest priced areas for gas, averaging $3.25 per gallon for regular unleaded. Also in our area, Coffee County is averaging $2.92, Cannon County is averaging $2.96 per gallon and Bedford County is averaging $2.91 per gallon. See county-by-county averages here.  

Overall, Tennessee is ranked as the 10th least expensive place to refuel in, with prices throughout the 95-counties averaging $2.79 per gallon on the low end and $3.25 per gallon on the high end, all for the same grade of fuel - - regular unleaded. However, the statewide average stands at $2.97 per gallon.

Single Gas Station Prices - According to GasBuddy price reports, the cheapest station in Tennessee was priced at $2.29/g yesterday while the most expensive was $6.11/g, a difference of $3.82/g.

The national average price of gasoline has risen 8.2 cents per gallon in the last week, averaging $3.25/g today. The national average is unchanged  from a month ago and stands 3.6 cents per gallon lower than a year ago, according to GasBuddy data compiled from more than 11 million weekly price reports covering over 150,000 gas stations across the country.

Historic Gas Prices in TN and U.S. average going back 10-years: 
January 9, 2022: $3.00/g (U.S. Average: $3.29/g) 
January 9, 2021: $2.10/g (U.S. Average: $2.32/g) 
January 9, 2020: $2.34/g (U.S. Average: $2.60/g) 
January 9, 2019: $1.95/g (U.S. Average: $2.24/g) 
January 9, 2018: $2.27/g (U.S. Average: $2.49/g) 
January 9, 2017: $2.14/g (U.S. Average: $2.36/g) 
January 9, 2016: $1.73/g (U.S. Average: $1.97/g) 
January 9, 2015: $1.99/g (U.S. Average: $2.16/g)  
January 9, 2014: $3.12/g (U.S. Average: $3.30/g)  
January 9, 2013: $3.19/g (U.S. Average: $3.30/g)  

Neighboring areas and their current gas prices: 
Chattanooga- $2.87/g, up 12.2 cents per gallon from last week's $2.75/g. 
Nashville- $2.97/g, up 12.0 cents per gallon from last week's $2.85/g. 
Huntsville- $2.99/g, up 12.2 cents per gallon from last week's $2.87/g.

DIESEL: In other fuel categories, the national average price of diesel has fallen 2.1 cents in the last week and stands at $4.64 per gallon.

"Last week, the rise in gasoline prices continued, still due to previous refinery outages caused by the cold weather the week of Christmas. However, I'm optimistic that as refiners get back online, we could see the increases slow down as we head into the time of year when gasoline demand is at its weakest," said Patrick De Haan, head of petroleum analysis at GasBuddy. "While gasoline prices have rallied, average diesel prices continue to drift lower, which certainly bodes well for the overall economy. As long as refiners are able to get back online soon from previous cold-weather outages, we could see supply start to recover at the same time demand is weak, which could bring gas prices down again. The window of opportunity, however, is shrinking, and by late February or early March, we'll likely kick off the seasonal rise in gasoline prices."

SOURCE: GasBuddy is the source for gas prices and today. GasBuddy's survey updates 288 times every day from the most diverse list of sources covering nearly 150,000 stations nationwide, the most comprehensive and up-to-date in the country. GasBuddy data is accessible at


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