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Greenhouse Ministries is Hosting a Thanksgiving Turkey Drive - Collecting Frozen Turkeys This Friday

Nov 16, 2022 at 01:37 pm by WGNS News

Drop-off Frozen Turkeys at Greenhouse Ministries This Friday between 6 AM and 5 PM!

(MURFREESBORO, TENN) It’s that time of the year again, where families and friends come together to share a meal and give thanks for the many blessings in their life. Like in years past, Greenhouse Ministries plans to giveaway free turkeys to families that cannot afford to buy a turkey. That was Cliff Sharp, co-founder of Greenhouse Ministries in Murfreesboro. The local non-profit will host a frozen turkey drive this Friday morning at 6 (November 18th)…

Sharp said handing out free turkeys to those who normally couldn’t afford one has helped so many families reconnect on Thanksgiving… Again, you can drop off a frozen turkey this Friday morning at Greenhouse Ministries in downtown Murfreesboro (307 S. Academy Street). The turkey drive will start at 6AM and continue throughout the day, ending at 5PM.


The turkeys will be handed out to at least 500-families this Saturday, just in time for Thanksgiving, which takes place next Thursday, November 24th…

Greenhouse Ministries  
307 S Academy St. 
Murfreesboro, TN 37130 
Phone: 615.494.0499

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