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Ram's Construction Areas To Avoid In The 'Boro

Nov 05, 2022 at 08:09 am by Bart

(MURFREESBORO) Pleasant weather for the twixt-and-tween season as Murfreesboro Transportation Department's Deputy Director Ram Balachandran releases warnings to motorists of areas to avoid between today and November 12, 2022. 

City Construction Projects 

Oakland Court Development (Lokey Ave and Academy St)


Expected Road Closures:  Monday through Friday:  Site construction work continues.  Academy St is closed to through traffic between Palm Ct and Hembree St.  Lokey Ave is also be closed at Academy St.  Appropriate traffic controls and detours will be in place.

Brinkley Rd Improvement Project (between Blaze Dr and Timber Creek Dr)

Expected Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday:  Roadway construction work continues on Brinkley Rd.  There will be intermittent lane closures and traffic interruptions.  Also, bridge work continues Brinkley Rd just to the south of Timber Creek Dr.  Timber Creek Dr is closed to through traffic at Brinkley Rd.  Traffic is detoured onto Willowbend Dr.  Appropriate traffic controls and detours will be in place.  

Medical Center Pkwy Turn Lane and Signal Improvement (between Honeylocust Ln and Willowoak Trl)

Expected Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 3:30 pm:  As part of private development, storm drain, right turn lanes and traffic signal improvements will be made along the north side of Medical Center Pkwy between Honeylocust Ln and Willowoak Trl.  Westbound traffic on Medical Center Pkwy will be reduced to one lane.  Eastbound traffic will not be affected.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

Atmos Energy Gas Main and Line Repair Work (DeJarnette Ln and Pitts Ln)

Expected Lane Closures:   Tuesday through Friday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm:  Atmos Energy crews will be performing gas main and line repair work at the intersection of DeJarnette Ln and Pitts Ln.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

Turn Lane & Water Line Installation Work (Yeargan Rd between Misflower Ln and Clarawood Way )

Expected Lane Closures:  Tuesday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm:  Construction crews will be installing water lines and making turn lane improvements along Yeargan Rd between Misflower Ln and Clarawood Way.  There will be lane closures and traffic interruptions.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

Turn Lane Improvement Work (Veterans Pkwy at Shores Rd)

Expected Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm:  As part of private development, construction crews will be working at Veterans Pkwy and Shores Rd.  Southbound traffic on Veterans Pkwy will be reduced from two lanes to one lane.  Northbound traffic will not be affected.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

Atmos Energy Gas Line Installation Work (Bell St just west of the Bridge)

Expected Lane Closures:   Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm:  Atmos Energy crews will be performing gas line work along Bell St.  Bell St will be reduced to one-lane flagging operation.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

Mill and Overlay Work (Sulphur Springs Rd at Irongate Blvd)

Expected Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm:  As part of private development, construction crews will be milling and overlaying asphalt pavement at the intersection of Sulphur Springs Rd and Irongate Blvd.  Traffic will be shifted onto the continuous center turning lane.  One lane each direction will be kept open.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

Annual City Street Paving

Expected Lane Closures:  Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM:  City contractor will be performing construction work at the following streets:

  1. Dejarnette Ln between Memorial Blvd and Kingsgate Dr (paving and striping work)
  2. Dow St (stream bank restoration work)
  3. Bell Street between Bridge and Crestland Ave (paving and striping work)
  4. Maple St and Burton St (paving and striping work)
  5. Chaffin Pl (paving and striping work)
  6. Berkshire Subdivision Roundabout (HC ramps and raised islands concrete & drainage work)
  7. Bell St, Maple St & Burton St, Molloy Ln (paving and striping work)
  8. Saint Andrews Dr at Risen Star Dr (entrance construction work)

Expect lane shifts and traffic interruptions.  Appropriate traffic controls will be in place.

TDOT Resurfacing Projects


The grading, drainage, construction of retaining walls, signals and paving on SR-99 (New Salem Hwy) from near I-24 to SR-96 (Old Fort Pkwy)

  • Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be periodic flagging operations for construction activities.

The resurfacing of SR-99 from Veterans Pkwy to Cason Lane

  • Daily, 8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m., There will be flagging operations for resurfacing activities.


The grading, drainage, construction of two concrete bulb tee beam bridges, signals, and paving on SR-266 (Jefferson Pike) from SR-102 (LM 5.0) to E. of I-840 (LM 9).

  • Daily, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m., There will be periodic flagging operations for construction activities. Gils Street will be closed for installation of water main.             


The resurfacing on I-24 from E of Medical Center Pkwy to Stones River Bridge (MM 76 – 80)

  • Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures EB and WB for installation of pavement markings.

The resurfacing on I-24 from E of Epps Mill Road through Bedford County to the Coffee County Line.

  • Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures EB and WB for paving activities.


The construction of an Intelligent Transportation System and upgrades from Nashville to Murfreesboro (Phase 2)

  • Nightly, 8 p.m. – 5 a.m., There will be alternating lane closures and rolling road blocks for the installation of overhead sign gantries.

(Source: TDOT)

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