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Christmas Tree Lighting on Downtown Murfreesboro Square Set for December 2nd

Nov 08, 2022 at 03:26 pm by Producer

(Murfreesboro, TN) - In December, the lighting of the Christmas Tree will take place on the historic downtown Murfreesboro Square in front of the local courthouse. The annual tradition will be held on Friday, December 2nd starting at 5:30 PM with a LIVE Nativity scene by Southeast Baptist Church, followed by choirs from Providence Christian Academy and MTCS, the event will be great for families both local and visiting.

Amy Beyers with Middle Tennessee Electric said it may not feel like Christmas weather now, but it will by December 2nd… While the Christmas tree lighting is 3 and a half weeks away, the colder winter temperatures are only days away! This Friday night, the temperature is expected to drop down to 32-degrees in Rutherford County. On Saturday, the high will reach 49 and then fall to a low of 25-degrees Saturday night. On Sunday, the high will only reach 47-degrees and the low on Sunday night will dip down to 24-degrees.  


Need More Details on the Dec. 2nd Tree Lighting Event? On December 2nd, there will be free games and activities for children, along with carriage rides for only $5 (children under the age of 4 are free). At 6:00, there will be stage performances by Plainview and McFadden Elementary Schools. The Center for the arts will also perform a condensed version of the Nutcracker and of course, Santa and his Elves will be on hand for the event FREE Event! For more details, visit Main Street Murfreesboro (Click Here).

Main Street Murfreesboro works to maintain, enhance, and promote the historic downtown as the heart of our community.  All Main Street events are free to the public and family friendly.  For more details go to and follow Main Street on Facebook or Instagram @Mainstreetmurfreesboro and @MurfreesboroSaturdayMarket

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