(SMYRNA, TN) Rain didn’t curb the enthusiasm of over 1,000 people who showed up for the first of what could become an annual event. The inaugural Walk 4 Water held in Smyrna on October 16th proved to be a major success! Aaron Tremblay, one of the organizer's of the event, told WGNS NEWS the goal of the walk was to raise enough funds to build 2-wells in 2-separate villages in South and Central Africa.
In third world countries, waterways used by livestock are often the same sources of water used by residents to bathe and wash their laundry in… Enough funds were raised at Walk 4 Water in Smyrna to build multiple wells that will supply clean water to thousands of people in some of the most impoverished areas of the world! Tremblay confirmed the inaugural event took in over $58,000, which should be enough to build 8 clean water wells!
Tremblay, a pastor in Smyrna, worked with Healing Hands International and numerous churches and schools in our area to make the event happen.