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Rutherford County Emergency Crew Aid Hurricane Ravaged Florida

Oct 05, 2022 at 06:38 pm by WGNS News

EMT-P Peggy Woodard, EMT-P Joe Pimentel

Rutherford County - TN (October 5, 2022) Rutherford County EMT- P Peggy Woodard and EMT- P Joe Pimentel are in Fort Meyers, Florida assisting victims of Hurricane Ian. Many of the affected areas of this category 4 storm have been compared to third world countries.

The crew is enduring difficult living conditions including limited water, food, fuel and electricity. Public Safety Director Chris Clark stated, “We are extremely proud of their professionalism and desire to help those in need, and we are so blessed to live in the greatest state and county. The Public Safety professionals across this county are the finest out there!”


Middle Tennessee Electric continues to provide aid to hurrican impacted areas - Read more here. 

“I am extremely proud of the willingness of RCEMS employees to volunteer at a moment’s notice to go and help the people in need. Our EMS providers are the true definition of a servant and show why we are known as the volunteer state. They did this knowing they would be gone from their families for up to 15 days. This county is blessed to have providers like Peggy and Joe,” reflected Emergency Medical Service Director Brian Gaither.

Disaster deployment requires personnel to respond to various situations. Woodard and Pimentel have been running 911 calls, evacuating hospitals and nursing homes and providing stand by coverage for recovery efforts. Mayor Joe Carr expressed, “Our county is home to the most experienced and talented first responders that are so committed to community service they are willing to sacrifice the comforts of their own home to render assistance in the most harrowing conditions.”

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