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Gas Prices in Rutherford County are Under the $3.00 Mark at Some Gas Stations

Sep 13, 2022 at 10:17 am by WGNS News

(RUTHERFORD COUNTY, TENN.) Gas prices seem to be coming down even more! In fact, Rutherford County is seeing prices below the $3-mark. Across the county, which includes some of the more rural service stations in Eagleville, Christiana, Walter Hill and Lascassas - -  the average price at the pump is $3.06 per gallon (regular unleaded).

Looking at the more populated areas in Rutherford County, which includes Murfreesboro, Smyrna and LaVergne, the average price of regular unleaded fuel dropped by .01-cent over the past 24-hours. The average price for a gallon of gas in Murfreesboro, Smyrna and LaVergne now sits at $2.97 per gallon (as of Tuesday morning).


In Murfreesboro, the average price for regular unleaded fuel is $2.96 per gallon. In Smyrna, Tuesday mornings average price rings in at $2.98 per gallon. The average price for regular unleaded fuel in LaVergne is $2.99/g.

DIESEL - Those who drive a diesel vehicle have also seen price changes in recent weeks. On Tuesday morning, the average price of diesel in Murfreesboro, Smyrna and LaVergne hit $4.58 per gallon. Murfreesboro has the lowest average price at $4.33 per gallon (diesel). Smyrna comes in second, with an average price of $4.56 per gallon. LaVergne has the highest average price per gallon on diesel at $4.85.  

STATEWIDE GAS PRICES – Currently, the average price per gallon for regular unleaded fuel across the entire state of Tennessee is sitting at $3.22/g. MurWhile it may be hard to believe, the highest price for regular unleaded fuel in Tennessee was recorded just a few months ago on June 12th, when gas was selling for an average of $4.64/g. The lowest price at the pump over the past 14-years was recorded on January 2, 2009 at $1.45/g.

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