TN Right to Life on Human Life Protection Act Effective 8/25/22

Aug 24, 2022 at 09:04 am by WGNS

(TENNESSEE) Tennessee Right to Life reports that pro-life Tennesseans have waited nearly 50 years for Thursday, August 25, 2022, to take place. On that date, Tennessee Right to Life President Stacy Dunn says that Tennessee law will protect Tennessee’s most vulnerable citizens – unborn children. The Human Life Protection Act will go into effect and thousands of lives could be saved, according to Right to Life. 

Dunn state, “On June 24, the Supreme Court made its historic decision confirming what pro-life leaders have known since 1973, that abortion is not a right found in the Constitution.  The intentional killing of unborn children is not a Constitutional right.  Therefore, abortion regulation was returned to the states, and pro-life Tennessee was in position ready to accept the responsibility of protecting and defending our most vulnerable citizens. August 25 is another historic day for Tennessee. It is a day innocent lives will be protected.”


The president of Tennessee Right to Life went on to say, “The right to life is the most fundamental right of any human being.  To protect that right for our unborn children is a responsibility that we take seriously.  Tennesseans should be proud of what our state has accomplished for our most vulnerable citizens.” 

Tennessee Right to Life reports they are grateful for the legislators who supported the Human Life Protection Act, especially sponsors that include Representative Susan Lynn and Senator Dolores Gresham. 

Former State Senator and bill sponsor Dolores Gresham said, “The voters of Tennessee have worked to elect pro-life super majorities that reflect their fundamental value for life in the House and the Senate, and they are now seeing the fruits of their labors.  For legislators, our hope in passing the Human Life Protection Act, by an overwhelming majority, was for a state free from the violence and exploitation of the abortion industry.  Our hope is now a reality.”

State Representative and bill sponsor Susan Lynn added, “The end of abortion-on-demand in our state is a badge of honor for Tennessee. We are proud of the fact that we will no longer tolerate those who profit from the destruction of children and the exploitation of their mothers. No longer will the abortionist have free rein in our state.”

The Human Life Protection Act provides for an affirmative defense when a physician has determined, in his or her good faith medical judgement, based upon facts known at the time that the abortion was necessary to prevent the death of the mother or to prevent serious risk of substantial and irreversible impairment of a major bodily function of the mother.

Will Brewer, Legislative Liaison for Tennessee Right to Life, pointed out, “A similar affirmative defense has existed in various pro-life laws in Ohio since 2011. Since then, 70 abortions have been performed to save the life of the mother and no doctor has been prosecuted.” Brewer explained, “Nothing in this law prohibits the treatment of ectopic pregnancies or miscarriages.  Further, this law explicitly states that women seeking abortions will not be prosecuted.”

In closing, Dunn concluded, “Tennessee Right to Life will continue to work with legislators to protect unborn children.  We will work with the nearly 200 help centers who offer assistance to women and their families, and we will continue to educate the citizens of our state about the precious gift of life in all its ages, stages and conditions.  Our goal is not only to make abortion illegal but to make it unthinkable.”

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