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Flashback Frank - Place Names Part 2

Jun 23, 2022 at 07:35 am by WGNS

This is Flashback Frank of the Rutherford County Historical Society.

Place names in Rutherford County…  We drive down a road or through a tiny community or past a subdivision and think ‘where in the world did THAT name come from?


The Rutherford County Historical Society mentions more than 100 place names but in the interested of time, let’s cover some of the most popular and unusual of these place names…

The Barfield community was named for Frederick Barfield, an early landowner and trustee of the old Bradley Academy.

Espeyland was once located near the present day Smyrna/Rutherford County Airport on Sharp Springs Road, was part of a 1,280 land grant to Revolutionary War veteran James Espey.

Speaking of the airport, present day Smyrna/Rutherford County Airport was once Sewart Air Force Base, built as a major training facility for bomber crews during World War II.  The base opened as the Smyrna Army Airfield.  In 1950, the base was renamed to Sewart Air Force Base, to honor Nashville native Charles Sewart, who perished during a bomber raid over the Solomon Islands in November of 1942.  By the way, the old Sewart Air Base closed in 1971.

Have you ever driving over the BIG hill on Windrow Road near the Salem Community?  Well, Windrow was named for Travis Windrow, the Justice of the Peace and general store owner in the area.

How about Kittrell?  Kittrell, seven miles east of Murfreesboro, was settled in 1810, later named for Civil War veteran Major Marion Kittrell in 1884 when a post office was established.  Kittrell was the original stage coach road from Knoxville to Nashville.

Staying in the eastern part of Rutherford County, let’s look into suburban Kittrell known as Science Hill.  Science Hill was named for an early academy that included science in the school’s curriculum.  This region is also known as Pilot Knob and Cripple Creek.

How about the Link community?  Have you ever visited Link?  It is alleged that Link was named for a couple of stores ‘linked’ midway between Midland and Versailles.  Bud Smotherman ran the first store in 1885.  Some of the earliest landmarks in Link include Oak Grove School, New Zion Church of Christ and the Old Leb Methodist Church.

The Fellowship community, north of Smyrna near Weakley Road and Couchville Pike, is also known as Lamar and Rockdale.  Fellowship was the site of the first dam and lock constructed on the Stones River.

You’ve driven through Jordan’s Valley and probably never knew its origin.  Jordan’s Valley was named for the Jordan family, early settlers in the area.  Oh, by the way, Jordan’s Valley is known today at Christiana…

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