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Heat Index in the 110's on Tuesday and Wednesday in Rutherford County - Middle Tennessee Electric Suggests turning thermostat to 76-78-degrees

Jun 14, 2022 at 07:50 am by WGNS

With temperatures in Middle Tennessee continuing to soar into the upper 90s this week and heat index readings Middle Tennessee Electric encourages members to take steps to reduce energy usage and save money on future electric bills. Record high temperatures on Tuesday are expected with a high of 97-degrees. By 7:30 Tuesday morning with humidity at 85% - it made the “Feels Like” rating climb to 89-degrees, even though the actual temperature was at 76-degrees. The heat index on Tuesday is expected to reach a whopping 111-degrees in the Rutherford County area. On Wednesday (06/15/22), the high will be 99. WGNS’ Scott Walker reported…

MTE recommends the following to reduce electric usage:

  • Set your thermostat at the highest comfortable temperature. The smaller the difference between your home’s inside temperature and the temperature outdoors, the lower your cooling costs will be. A temperature setting of 76-78 degrees is typically recommended.

  • Turn off any unnecessary lights. Much of the energy consumed by light bulbs is emitted as heat, driving already warm temperatures even higher and sending your thermostat into overdrive.

  • Close your blinds or drapes in the daytime to keep out the greenhouse effect of the sun. Southern- and western-facing walls take the brunt of the sun’s heat, so invest in good drapes or shades for the windows on these walls and keep them closed.

  • Run ceiling fans counterclockwise, forcing air to move straight down. Even mild air movement can make a room feel three to four degrees cooler.

  • Stoves and ovens can raise a kitchen’s temperature as much as 10 degrees. Use an outdoor grill, slow cooker or microwave as much as possible to keep the temperature down.

  • Limit chores that produce heat and moisture, like cooking, cleaning, ironing and laundry, to the cooler early morning and evening hours as much as possible.

  • Reduce humidity in your home. High humidity makes the air feel hotter; a dehumidifier keeps your AC from working as hard and helps lower energy costs.

  • Change HVAC air filters regularly. Clogged filters can raise energy costs due to operational inefficiency and will affect the lifespan of your HVAC unit. Unless you have a longer-life filter, experts recommend replacing air filters once a month. An easy way to remember is to change your filter when you pay your electric bill.

  • HVAC units can account for more than 50% of your energy use. Maintaining your system will keep it running efficiently and help save money. Get seasonal tune-ups to ensure your HVAC system is clean and operating at peak condition.

  • Install a programmable thermostat. These devices can automatically set temperature ranges for maximum comfort and energy efficiency. Keep temperatures higher when your family isn’t home during the summer to help keep cooling costs low.

In addition to these tips, not-for-profit MTE recommends visiting for more information and utilizing the free myMTEMC app to monitor hourly and daily energy usage. Members can view when the most energy is being used and if it directly correlates with temperatures or other electric usage.
To help members save more energy and money, MTE has a team of energy efficiency experts ready to help members manage their electric use. Go to for more information about our energy services programs or contact 877-777-9020 to speak to your trusted energy advisor. 

About Middle Tennessee Electric (MTE)
Founded in 1936, MTE is the largest electric cooperative in the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) region and the second largest in the United States, serving more than 750,000 Tennesseans via 320,000+ accounts covering nearly 2,200 square miles in 11 Middle Tennessee counties, primarily Rutherford, Cannon, Williamson and Wilson. Municipalities served include Murfreesboro, Franklin, Brentwood, Smyrna, La Vergne, Lebanon and Mt. Juliet. MTE employs 520 people in seven local offices and its Murfreesboro corporate headquarters.

MTE’s subsidiary, United Communications, is a nationally recognized broadband company with a fiber network spanning more than 1,200 route miles providing high-speed internet and other services to portions of Williamson, Rutherford, Marshall, Bedford, Franklin, and Davidson counties. 
For more information, please visit

Report from the National Weather Service: 


* WHAT...For the first Heat Advisory, heat index values up to 108 expected. For the second Heat Advisory, heat index values up to 106 expected.

* WHERE...Most of Middle Tennessee.

* WHEN...For the first Heat Advisory, from 11 AM this morning to 7 PM CDT this evening. For the second Heat Advisory, from 11 AM to 7 PM CDT Wednesday.

* IMPACTS...Hot temperatures and high humidity may cause heat illnesses to occur.

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