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MONDAY, June 6, 2022 - Swap & Shop

Jun 06, 2022 at 08:13 am by Producer

Text Swap & Shop Items to WGNS Anytime at 615-893-1450! If you’d like to call during our “LIVE” program between 7:50AM and 8:10AM, call the same number you text weekday mornings (615-893-1450). 

FOR SALE: Bad boy zero turn mower 26hp with 60in cut $2,500. CubCadet riding mower w/20hp and 42in cut $800. Call 615-987-6371        

FOR SALE: Two plastic dog houses for $5 ea. And a pet taxi $5 - Call 615-801-6199

EVENT: Starting Today: Barfield Baptist Church will be having Vacation Bible School starting Monday at 6pm-8 for children from infants - 5th grade. All children are welcome!! (Bible teaching, snacks, crafts, games). Address: 550 Veterans Pkwy, Murfreesboro, TN 37128 / Phone: (615) 896-2490.

FOR SALE: Salad Tomatoes (yellow and red) 50-cents ea. - Persithia Bushes $3 ea. Or 4 for $10, Free Aloe Vera Plants - 615-848-3590                    

FOR SALE: Washer and dryer for sale $200 for both or $100 each. Also 18-foot above ground pool for sale $150 615-427-8672

FOR SALE: .38 Special over and under for $350. Also, selling a 2002 Chevrolet Silverado - very nice w/low mileage. $13,000. Please call or text for pictures 615-427-8672

FOR SALE: Washer and dryer for sale $200 for both or $100 each. Also, 18-foot above ground pool for sale, $150. Call 615-427-8672

FOR SALE: 4 plots at Roselawn Memorial Gardens In the Garden of everlasting life 615-542-7843

FOR SALE: Several beautiful kittens and some full-grown cats I need to get rid of my number is 615-848-3601

FOR SALE: 5hp rear tine tiller, Central Hardware brand. $100. Call (615) 584-8510  

Sections: Swap and Shop