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Justice Jeffrey Bivins Speaks at 16th Judicial District Recovery Court Graduation

May 17, 2022 at 08:00 am by WGNS

Justice Jeffrey Bivins speaking at the local Recovery Court Graduation

(Rutherford County, TN) On Monday (May 16, 2022), the Recovery Court for the 16th Judicial District held a graduation in Murfreesboro for seven of its participants. Judge Jimmy Turner welcomed Justice Jeff Bivins to address the graduates at the Rutherford County Judicial Center. Over 125 people were present for the graduation ceremony. Justice Bivins applauded the graduates and the program’s staff saying, “Programs like this one reunite families and restore lives.”

Judge Turner described the program as a court monitored intensive outpatient program for individuals with severe addictions to controlled substances. “Participants of this program start in very dire circumstances, including homelessness, unemployment and a complete lack of family support,” he said. Judge Turner explained that graduates of the program have completely changed their lives with the help of the Recovery Court team. 


Program director Trish Breeding also addressed those in attendance expressing the importance of the program. She emphasized the dramatic impact it has on the participants, their families and the community. 

The graduation ceremony recognized seven participants who recently completed the intensive treatment program. Each graduate entered the program voluntarily as an alternative to a jail sentence. The purpose of Recovery Courts is to reduce addiction, crime, and recidivism. The cost of these programs is significantly less than incarceration.


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