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Today, we talked about everything from military grade lasers to freshman students at MTSU

May 16, 2022 at 09:08 am by Producer

SEGMENT ONE – 8:10 a.m.
GUEST: Dr. Emmanuel Rowe, assistant professor, Department of Engineering Technology
TOPIC: Rowe’s participation as a National Research Council senior research associate in the coming academic year

For the 2022-23 academic year, Dr. Rowe will be participating as a National Research Council Senior Research Associate through a program sponsored by the National Academies of Science/Engineering/Medicine.  

He will be stationed at Wright Patterson Air Force Base working on “Crystal Growth and Characterization of Novel, Functional, Low-Dimensional Materials for Optoelectronic, Nanoelectronic, and Magnetic Applications.” This is a prestigious, paid appointment as a visiting scholar at one of the top labs in the world working with these kinds of materials.

Rowe earned his Ph.D. from Virginia Commonwealth University in 2014, a B.S. degree in Mathematics from Morehouse College in 2004, and B.S. degree in Electrical Engineering from North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in 2002 as part of the dual degree program. 

Prior to attending graduate school, Rowe held the position of Process Engineer II at Cree Inc., where he worked on gallium nitride-based blue and green Light Emitting Diode growth by Metal-Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition. 

Rowe joined Middle Tennessee State University as a tenure track faculty in 2019 where his research is focused on developing novel halide and oxide based bulk and ceramic scintillator materials for nuclear nonproliferation and medical use. Dr. Rowe teaches undergraduate courses in Electrical Power and Machinery, and Electrical Circuit Analysis. 


SEGMENT TWO – 8:25 a.m.
GUEST: Dr. Laurie Witherow, associate vice provost for Admissions and Enrollment Services, and Gina Poff, director of New Student and Family Programs
TOPIC: CUSTOMS student orientation sessions all summer, campus tours, important admissions information for prospective students

Once the spring semester ends at MTSU, it’s always CUSTOMS time! 

CUSTOMS is the Middle Tennessee State University new student orientation program. It helps new undergraduate students make the transition into the university; prepares new students for MTSU's educational opportunities; and initiates the integration of new students into the intellectual, cultural, and social climate of the institution. 

In a nutshell, CUSTOMS shows new students the ropes on being a student at MTSU. 

Three sessions open to all incoming freshmen will be held once in May, June and July, while multiple CUSTOMS sessions divided up according to academic college will be held multiple times each month throughout the summer.

Date and sessions information can be found at

For transfer students, there are three remaining virtual CUSTOMS sessions and three in-person sessions available throughout the summer. For dates and other information, visit

For general CUSTOMS information, visit or call 615.898.5533.

MTSU also offers daily campus tours, rain or shine. For more information, call 615-898-5670 or visit


SEGMENT THREE – 8:40 a.m.
GUESTS: Beka Crocket, director, MTSU Career Development Center
TOPIC: The center’s inaugural Career Influencer Awards luncheon and launch of the Career 365 initiative

Before the semester wrapped up, MTSU’s Career Development Center held its inaugural Career Influencer Awards luncheon to recognize the community’s career influencers and advisers.

Six MTSU faculty members as well as one employer partner were presented with awards for their outstanding commitment to the professional development of Middle Tennessee State University students. Those attending included award winners and members of the internal and external Career Advisory Boards.

Along with the awards presented, Career Development Center Director Beka Crocket announced the launch of Career 365, a new initiative that empowers both career influencers and students to engage in career conversations even outside of a professional office.

Career 365 puts a focus on the fact that many students begin career conversations with MTSU faculty and/or staff members before coming to the Career Development Center. To bridge the gap between students and the center, “it was imperative to create a network of professionals who are willing and ready to encourage students to learn more about their career competencies and take full advantage of their professional skills,” Crocket said.

“With the rising cost of higher education, the emphasis on return of investment for a degree is increasing. In addition, 64% of students state that a professor was a mentor to them during college and an additional 10% identified a university staff member as a mentor. The need to have the Career Development Center work closely with faculty and staff to provide the most up to date resources, trends, data and information is becoming more and more apparent.”

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