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Politics: Tim Holden announces campaign for the Rutherford County School Board, Zone 3

Mar 29, 2022 at 10:03 am by WGNS

Local resident Tim Holden has announced his campaign for re-election to the Rutherford County School Board in Zone 3.

Holden stated, “I am a lifelong resident of Rutherford County and a product of the Rutherford County School System. I have lived in the Zone 3 area for over 40 Years. I have developed many lifelong friends and relationships in the area, this allows me to help understand the needs of the Zone with clarity.”

During Holden’s professional career, he has developed relationships with the business and industrial community, allowing him to further support education that strengthens the younger communities position upon graduation to be successful in any endeavor they may pursue.

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Holden said, “I am a huge supporter of (CTE) Career and Technical Education; this allows our school system to support the filling of the skills gap we are seeing in the technical and trade industries in our area.

In discussing parental involvement within the schools, Holden says, “I will always support Parent involvement and input into your child’s education. I feel it is our job to work together and as a team we decided the best direction for your children.”

The Rutherford County Schools are one of the fastest growing school systems in Tennessee, which creates difficulties in the areas of building schools and maintaining stable zoning for students.

Again, Holden is running for re-election to the Rutherford County School Board and is in Zone 3.

Above information was submitted to WGNS by Tim Holden for Rutherford County School Board, Zone 3. 


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