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Big Rig Crash around 11 AM on Saturday Lead's to I-24 East Shut Down

Feb 12, 2022 at 12:57 pm by WGNS


(MURFREESBORO)  Shortly before 11:00 o'clock Saturday morning (2/12/2022) a tractor-trailer rig and a pickup crashed on I-24 eastbound (toward Chattanooga), between I-840 and the Medical Center Parkway exit. Click the photo above this news story to see additional pictures. 

The big rig flipped on its side and slid down the inside lane, while the pickup rolled and came to rest against the heavy steel divider that kept it from entering westbound lanes.

Crews from Murfreesboro Fire and Rescue were on-the-scene to assist with the cleanup and make certain no waste materials were allowed to damage the area. 

The Tennessee Highway Patrol completed the investigation and were assisted with traffic control by the Ruthrford County Sheriffs Office. 

THP cleared I-24 East about one hour after the initial accident this past Sat., 2/12/2022. 

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