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Exchange Club of Murfreesboro Honors Rutherford County Sheriff's Office - Law Enforcement Officer of the Year

Oct 28, 2021 at 09:51 am by WGNS

The Exchange Club of Murfreesboro presents the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Officer of the Year award to Detective Monica Fonseca. From left are Sheriff Mike Fitzhugh, Detective Fonseca, Exchange Club President Brian Hongsermeier, Detective Capt. Britt Reed and Detective Sgt. Steve Craig.

Detective Monica Fonseca of the Criminal Investigations Division, Rutherford County Sheriff Office was recognized on October 27, 2021 as the County Law Enforcement Officer of the Year by The Exchange Club of Murfreesboro.

Detective Fonseca coordinates the Stop Violence Against Women federal grant for the Sheriff’s Office. She investigates only domestic violence crimes and sexual assault crimes.  She is assigned more cases than any other detective.

Detective Fonseca is passionate about her role, understanding the importance of assisting victims of domestic violence and sexual assault. She tries to stop the cycle of domestic violence. She is in daily communications with the victims, often repeat victims, trying to give them guidance and to connect them with other services to help them change their circumstances. She puts tremendous effort into helping each victim. Detective Fonseca regularly trains officers to ensure they are educated on domestic violence law updates.

Besides the investigations, Detective Fonseca has a tremendous responsibility maintaining monthly reporting statistics regarding the cases she is assigned and specific outcomes of each case. Her efforts and meticulous work ethic have resulted in the Sheriff’s office being recognized as a model for the STOP Grant throughout the state.

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Detective Fonseca serves as an integral member of the Rutherford County Sheriff’s Crisis Intervention Team in correctly handling people with mental health crises. She volunteers as an adviser to the Sheriff’s Explorer Post for teens interested in law enforcement careers.

Exchange Club President Brian Hongsermeier stated “Community service is the lifeline of The Exchange Club. The Program of Service that most allows The Exchange Club of Murfreesboro to identify leaders in our community who accept the challenge of excellence in their position of a Rutherford County Law Enforcement Officer.”

Crime Prevention has been a major avenue of Exchange Club service since the 1940s. Since its inception, Exchange Club’s Crime Prevention Program has been endorsed by nearly every U.S. president, and many of the nation’s leading Law Enforcement Officials. Exchange Clubs kick off their anticrime campaigns during October which is National Crime Prevention Month.

For more information on The Exchange Club of Murfreesboro follow them on Facebook and visit The local Club was chartered in 1951. Their Mission Statement: Exchange, inspiring communities to become better places to live. Core Values are: Family, Community, Country. The Club’s vision is: A strong America, safe communities and unified people.


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